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Small Server Performance

Lucas Betschart edited this page Feb 8, 2018 · 17 revisions

See also Big Server Performance.


The block data below was derived from the following platform.

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64 bit)
2.83 GHz (2 cores, 4 with HT)
250 GB SSD, 8 GB RAM
300 Mb/s Internet
Bitcoin Node v3.0.0


Default configuration was used with the exception of the following settings.

node.byte_fee_satoshis = 10

Block Data

From the console (preambles removed), see interpretation.

Block [458008] 1841 txs 5388 ins    0 wms  394 vms   73 vµs    2 rµs    4 cµs   64 pµs    3 aµs    0 sµs   10 dµs 1.000000
Block [458009] 1081 txs 5103 ins    0 wms  423 vms   83 vµs    2 rµs    4 cµs   72 pµs    3 aµs    2 sµs   10 dµs 0.999075
Block [458010] 1132 txs 3760 ins    0 wms  240 vms   64 vµs    2 rµs    4 cµs   29 pµs    4 aµs   25 sµs    9 dµs 0.960213
Block [458011] 2437 txs 4113 ins    0 wms  230 vms   56 vµs    3 rµs    7 cµs   42 pµs    4 aµs    0 sµs   12 dµs 1.000000
Block [458012] 1932 txs 4211 ins    0 wms  270 vms   64 vµs    2 rµs    5 cµs   35 pµs    5 aµs   17 sµs   11 dµs 0.992233
Block [458013] 2843 txs 4377 ins    0 wms  255 vms   58 vµs    3 rµs    7 cµs   45 pµs    3 aµs    0 sµs   12 dµs 1.000000
Block [458014] 2313 txs 4318 ins    0 wms  260 vms   60 vµs    3 rµs    6 cµs   37 pµs    4 aµs   11 sµs   12 dµs 0.996973
Block [458015] 1635 txs 4257 ins    0 wms  169 vms   40 vµs    2 rµs    5 cµs   28 pµs    3 aµs    1 sµs   11 dµs 0.985925
Block [458016] 2556 txs 4398 ins    0 wms  244 vms   56 vµs    3 rµs    7 cµs   41 pµs    5 aµs    0 sµs   12 dµs 1.000000
Block [458017] 2753 txs 4095 ins    0 wms  265 vms   65 vµs    3 rµs    7 cµs   49 pµs    6 aµs    0 sµs   13 dµs 1.000000


The block data can be transformed into a table and averaged as follows.

block txs ins wms vms vµs rµs cµs pµs aµs sµs dµs efficiency
458008 1841 5388 0 394 73 2 4 64 3 0 10 1.000000
458009 1081 5103 0 423 83 2 4 72 3 2 10 0.999075
458010 1132 3760 0 240 64 2 4 29 4 25 9 0.960213
458011 2437 4113 0 230 56 3 7 42 4 0 12 1.000000
458012 1932 4211 0 270 64 2 5 35 5 17 11 0.992233
458013 2843 4377 0 255 58 3 7 45 3 0 12 1.000000
458014 2313 4318 0 260 60 3 6 37 4 11 12 0.996973
458015 1635 4257 0 169 40 2 5 28 3 1 11 0.985925
458016 2556 4398 0 244 56 3 7 41 5 0 12 1.000000
458017 2753 4095 0 265 65 3 7 49 6 0 13 1.000000
average 2052 4402 0 275 62 3 6 44 4 6 11 0.993442


The example shows an average of 275 ms (62 µs per input) to validate a typical block with an additional 48 ms to store it. See Big Server Performance for a comparative analysis. Population and deposit (store) costs have greater variability than with the big server due to the relative inconsistency of paging.

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