There are many ways on how to get involved in the project:
If you stumble upon an issue, it would be time to describe it, how it did actually happen (and describe possible steps to reproduce it) or even your hints on solving it.
If you have something on your mind, that is compatible with project's philosophy, let me know! I always appreciate any suggestions that can improve libraries' quality.
If you feel up for it, feel free to code and pull request any changes you've made, that can be useful for the libraries. This is the best way to help me out and it is highly appreciated!
Please, note that any code contribution dedicated to the project goes into the public domain. For bigger changes, I recommend explicitly stating an agreement of this act optionally signed by your PGP public key, uploaded into contributors
GitHub username: USER
I dedicate any and all copyright interest in this software to the
public domain. I make this dedication for the benefit of the public at
large and to the detriment of my heirs and successors. I intend this
dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all
present and future rights to this software under copyright law.
This does not apply to you, if you live in a country that does not recognize public domain. In such case, your contribution grants user the following license: You are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, modify, publish, and distribute these libraries as you see fit. NO WARRANTY IS IMPLIED, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!