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Observations Running a Grid

lickx edited this page Sep 21, 2024 · 38 revisions

There is little actual documentation on running a grid. Here I share some of my own findings that may be useful to you.


GridUserService and PresenceService where not happy about being multi-instance (presence0.ini presence1.ini etc) due to caches being out of sync. I removed their caches, so errors like 'avatar already present' when TP back to the homegrid won't happen anymore (each instance had a different idea of where you are due to caching).

FriendsService and/or HGFriendsService isn't happy about being multi-instance either; it's best to run only 1 instance, within the same instance as the gatekeeper if hypergridded.

Hypergrid Friends

Maybe due to config error on my side, but whenever I run FriendsService and HGFriendsService in its own robust instance, I don't get a 2nd confirmation bluebox (to add the friend) when I return home, after I befriended someone on a foreign grid. This means the friendship will essentially not be established. I found out that running these services within the same instance as the Gatekeeper resolves this issue.

When unfriending a HG friend, they will still have you in their list. Teleport first to their grid, and while there unfriend them.

When changing username, your HG friends will still see/know you by your old name. This is because you are stored as friend on the other grid's GridUser database by Firstname.Lastname instead of userid (and grid). You will both need to unfriend, and then re-friend to make your name reflect your current name in their friendlist.

Another reason why a foreign user may see you as your old name, is when the sim they are on, has your old name cached. OpenSim does a stupid amount of caching in various places, to offload grid services. My guess is a foreign sim's UserAccountCache knows you (your name) by whatever prim/object it found last in the sim, if it is made by your user UUID. As long as no stuff made by your old HG name is rezzed on their sim, they could try typing reset user cache in their sim console. This will temporary (so don't worry) make some HG creator names on objects in their sim turn into just their creators UUIDs (no name) until the cache is filled again (could take a few hours to a few days).

Hypergrid Groups (Groups V2 module)

Groups are for land management, however many people like to use them for other things as well. Think of event notices and new product announcements, or chatting with like-minded people on specific interests.

It seems notices from groups on foreign grids that use Groups V2 works, however intergrid chat doesn't. If you where offline, you'll receive notices too. It doesn't work with groups you joined on foreign grids that use the old Groups V1 (like OsGrid).

It is impossible to eject hypergrid members from a group. Eventually you'll have many members from dead/closed grids, that can only be removed with database queries.

To unjoin a foreign group, first teleport to their grid (for instance their welcome region), and only then leave the group. Otherwise you are still in the group on their groupserver and keep receiving notices.


The gatekeeper needs to have an A-record in DNS. Dyndns providers already take care of that, but if you have your own domain, and your gatekeeper is, then needs an A-record too. Thus, if both and run on the same server, you'll need two A-records (one for each, both pointing to your server IP). If you do not set this up, you get the dreaded 'cannot verify identity' when hypergridding.

Hypergrid version and inventory

  • HG2.0 is the most secure, and the most limited. Many grids use this. When on a foreign grid, you can only rez or attach anything from the suitcase folder. #RLV is inaccessible.
  • HG1.5 is less but still secure. I found a bug (or possibly deliberate?) that when your grid is HG1.5, you can only buy and not take copy when on foreign grids. When taking a copy, and rezzing the item at your homegrid, you get the dreaded 'asset not found'. The #RLV folder works however.
  • HG1.0 is the least secure, but the most flexible. If you're going to use this, I recommend moving valuable assets out of your inventory, and boxing them up on a private region. #RLV, take copy and buy works. To my surprise, even Kitely Market deliveries work.


A hypergrid landmark will stop working if the foreign destination region moved to a different location on that grids' worldmap. I usually put the HG address ( in the parcel name, so when people make a landmark they'll still have the address in the landmark name.