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My project is a travel blog that allows users to create and read blog posts. Users are be able to create an account, log in, create, edit and delete their blog posts.

I decided to make this project because I am passionate about travelling and I want to share my experiences with the amazing places I have travelled. This is the place for users to share their travel experiences.


User login: Users are be able to create accounts and log in to the application. Each user will have a profile page. User Registration User Login

  • Create Post: Users are be able to create new blog posts when logged in. New posts will appear in the user’s profile.

Create Blog

  • Edit Post: Users are be able to edit/delete their blog posts.

Edit and Delete

  • Everyone can view list of blog posts and comment on each post.

Home List Post View Comment


  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • MySQL
  • Thymeleaf templates
  • Bootstrap

What I Learned

  • I learned more about bootstrap to make the website look better.
  • Spring Security

What's Next

  • List of posts is sorted so viewers can see newest posts
  • List of comments is sorted so viewers can see newest comments
  • Role Admin can view a list of users


GNU General Public License v3