This is a graphical simulation developed in Unity based on the real world experiment from [1] and used from the H-AI_collab_game
This forked from and adjusted accordingly for our purposes.
The environment receives actions (plus other important information) and sends back observations (plus other important information) to H-AI_collab_game.
The above messages are being exchanged via an HTTP server.
H-AI_collab_game and maze_GI_Unity work as HTTP clients.
Download git
git clone
Install Unity (Version: 2020.3.13f1)
Open with unity
- If Unity cannot open the project or does not recognize it, create a new project and replace the folders.
Remove default scene
Drag and drop main scene from Scenes in the Hierarchy
- Start the dedicated Maze Server
- Start the experiment MazeRL
Just open the game in Unity and press the play
See here for connection instructions
Every time a user opens the link to the webgl in the browser the game is being sent to it from a docker.
Build Settings -> web_build -> (switch platform) -> build
Choose web_build and name it “webgl”
Go to to MazeUnity/web_build
cd MazeUnity/web_build
Edit webgl.conf 'server_name' to the name of your server without the ‘http://’ header (default: localhost)
Make sure the ports used below are open.
docker build -t <image_name>:<version> . (docker build -t maze-unity:1.0.0 .)
docker run -p <host_port>:80 <image_name>:<image_version> (docker run -p 12000:80 maze-unity:1.0.0)
Open <server_name>:<host_port> (localhost:12000) in a browser.
If you want to stop the docker:
docker stop maze
If you want to remove the docker:
docker rm maze
In Assets/Scripts folder.
- Tray: 50cm x 50cm
- Wall thickness: 3cm
- Obstacles opening: 9 cm
- Ball radius: 5cm
- Hole radius: 5 cm
[1] Shafti, Ali, et al. "Real-world human-robot collaborative reinforcement learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.01156 (2020).