Universal Tibetan Font Converter
The Universal Tibetan Font Converter was created by Tashi Tsering with funding from Trace Foundation. The objective of the development is to provide the community a tool for converting files between different Tibetan encoding schemes with different file formats. The converter also can translate Tibetan script with different encodings to variant Wylie transliterations, and vice versa.
The converter covers 17 different Tibetan encoding schemes including 4 Tibetan transliteration schemes (ACIP, ALA-LC, THL Wylie, Wylie), Tibetan Unicode, and other 12 legacy Tibetan fonts including:
Sambhota 1.0 (Sama) Sambhota 2.0 (Dedris) Bandrida Tongyuan Beida Founder Huanguang LTibetan Jamyang TCRC Bod-Yig Tibetan Machine Tibetan Machine Web National Standard Extended
Their name used in the command are:
OldSambhota NewSambhota Bzd Ty Fz Hg LTibetan Jamyang TCRCBodYig TM TMW NS
Also include others
ACIP Wylie THDLWylie LCWylie
The converter also covers four common file formats including txt, Unicode txt, rich text file format (RTF) and HTML web page. You can convert file between arbitrary two encoding schemes from 16 ones mentioned above with certain file formats.
The converter has some bugs and additional information on the file format supported can be found at http://www.trace.org/utfc. Any improvement of the application would be very much appreciated.
The application is programmed in C, you can compile the application with the following:
gcc -o converter Converter_20181128.c
In order to run the application use the following sintax:
for example:
./converter file.rtf file_converted.rtf Unicode Wylie rtf rtf
For converting to Unicode:
By default, Unicode will use "Microsoft Himalaya" font in both Unix and Windows.
If prefer other Unicode, such as "SambhotaUnicode" and convert from rtf to rtf, the conversion command will be:
./converter file.rtf file_converted.rtf NewSambhota SambhotaUnicode rtf rtf
If not from rtf to rtf, you can just use "Unicode" and edit the target file to change "Microsoft Himalaya" to the the Unicode font you prefer, such as "SambhotaUnicode"
You can find an online version of the application at http://www.trace.org/utfc
You can download a standalone version from: http://www.yalasoo.com/English/docs/yalasoo_en_utfc.html
Author: Tashi Tsering Assistant: Nyima Droma Supported by: Trace Foundation
The application has been licensed GPL v3, you can find the full license in the LICENSE.txt file.