This project is inspired by the world-famous eponymous 90’s game, which was the very first FPS ever : Wolfenstein 3D. The purpose of this project is to learn about raycasting and to make a dynamic view inside a maze in which you will have to find your way. Enjoy this Doctor Who theme !
$> git clone
$> cd CUB3D_42
$> make
$> ./Cub3D resources/map/perfect.cub
Editing map : You can change the entire game environment in ressources/map/ .cub file
Control :
- Moove : WASD (qwerty) or ZQSD (azerty)
- Close the window : ESC key or red cross
- Save a rendered image in bmp format : second argument is "--save"
$> ./Cub3D resources/map/perfect.cub --save
$> git clone
$> cd CUB3D_42
$> make bonus
$> ./Cub3D resources/map/perfect.cub
List of bonus :
- Collision wall
- An HUD
- Life bar
- Collision object
- Earning points/or losing life by picking up objects/traps
- Minimap
- Restart mode
- Advanced key and window's resolution management
Life bar and minimap
Lost life
Restart mode (press R key)