It assumes the order of operations below as standard use.
Explanation on how the clear functionality works is provided below.
Standard use is:
- New User loads the page.
- Clicks random until they find a color they like.
- Hits save.
[line: 25] CreateHexText
We run this function first to update the background color & text with #fffff
[line: 35] window.onload
This checks to make sure our local storage key is created.
Also changes the state of the hex list to the left to make sure
its in the appropiate state.
Finally we run MoveHexToList() to update the list with what
the program found in local storage.
[line: 60] RandomButton.addEventLisener
Listens for a click, if we get one we then run
CreateHexArray() 6 times to get a new hex code
Finally we change the background color with ChangeBackgroundColor()
[line: 72] SaveButton.addEventListener
Listens for a click.
Uses MoveHexToList() to move the current Hex to the side list
Then Saves the color with SaveColorToLocalStorage()
Finally changes the state of the list to open with ListStateChange(1)
List clears within the Event Listener for the 'Clear list' button
ClearButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
//Starts at however many elements the list has
//if its above 0 it increments down
for(let i=SaveList.childElementCount; i > 0; i--) {
//Set a variable for whatever node the program is currently on
let color = SaveList.childNodes[i]
//Then we just remove the child, and use the variable above
//Clear local storage
//Finally change the list to closed.
All saves go through SaveColorToLocalStorage()
function SaveColorToLocalStorage(color) {
//Checks for our storage key
if(localStorage.getItem(storagekey) == null) {
//Creates it with an array if its not there
let array = []
//pushes current color to it as its first element
//We stringify the array so we can store it in 1 key as a JSON item
localStorage.setItem(storagekey, JSON.stringify(array))
else {
//If we find it, we parse the storage item
let array = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storagekey))
//Push the color we pass to it the function into the array
//Finally set the item, and re-stringify it so we can parse it for later use.