This is a Telegram bot that uses OpenAI models to generate text and images. It uses the OpenAI API to interact with the models.
Built with Python 3.x, OpenAI API, and Telegram API(Aiogram 3.x), asyncio, Docker, Docker-compose, Pipenv
- Clone the repository
git clone <repo-url>
- Get an API key from OpenAI API
- Get a Telegram bot token from BotFather
- Install pipenv
pip install pipenv
- Install dependencies
pipenv install
- Create a .env file with variables listed in the .env.example file
- Run the bot
pipenv run python
- Install Docker and Docker compose - Docker | Docker Compose
- Create a .env file with variables listed in the .env.example file
- Build the image
docker-compose up -d --build
- Multi-language Support
- Russian
- English
- Add DALL-E support
- Add ChatGPT support
- Add Docker compose
- Add Midjounrey support
Feel free to contact me - @justanotherwork[TG] -