Stroll is a full stack web app to track your dog walks and store notes associated with every walk.
To use the app go to
New users can create an account utilizing passport.js.
Each user is able to create a list of multiple dogs including a profile picture.
During the walk the user can track locations of dog on dog interactions, dog friendly businesses or locations of free dog poop bags. There is also a stop watch function to track the duration of every walk.
The user has the ability to revisit notes from past walks and compare them on a separate page.
- Heroku - Hosting and deployment
- MySQL - Database
- Node.js - Server side Javascript
- Express.js - standard server framework for Node.js for building web applications and APIs
- Handlebars - templating engine
- Sequelize - ORM for Node.js
- Javascript - front end programming language
- jQuery - JavaScript library
- Bootstrap - CSS framework
- Moment.js - NPM package to display dates and times in JavaScript
- Passport.js - Authentication middleware for Node.js
- Google Maps API - API for map and pin dropping
- Multer - NPM package for uploading files
- Canvas - used to draw table
- Allegra Anka - allegraanka
- Daniel Bauer - CB750
- Frank Carlone - fcarlone
- Lindsay Stoner - lindsaybstoner