This is unofficial SDK for LINE Pay for C# developers.
You can find detail API document here
This repository contains sample web application to use the SDK. Update ChannelId, ChannelSecret and ServerUri.
Go to LINE Pay Developers and create your sandbox. You can retrieve Channel Id and Channel Secret Key after successful login to LINE Pay Console. You also need to configure white lists of server ip addresses which access to LINE Pay API.
Instantiate client Pass channel information and if you use sandbox or not.
var channelId = "channel id";
var channelSecret = "channel secret";
var isSandbox = true;
var client = new LinePayClient(
Reserve the order Instantiate reserve object and pass to ReserveAsync
var reserve = new Reserve()
ProductName = "Chocolate",
Amount = 2.2,
Currency = Currency.USD,
OrderId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), // Unique order id
ConfirmUrl = $"{configuration["ServerUri"]}/api/pay/confirm", // Cancel Url
CancelUrl = $"{configuration["ServerUri"]}/api/pay/cancel", // Confirm Url
var response = await client.ReserveAsync(reserve);
Confirm the order Instantiate confirm object by using reserve you created, and call ConfirmAsync.
var transactionId = Int64.Parse(HttpContext.Request.Query["transactionId"]);
var reserve = //get your reserve from db.
var confirm = new Confirm()
Amount = reserve.Amount,
Currency = reserve.Currency
var response = await client.ConfirmAsync(transactionId, confirm);
See the sample web app in the repository for more detail.