Performing analysis on Kickstarter data to uncover trends.
Louise wants to know how different campaigns did in relation to their launch dates and funding goals. Practice Excel skills. Practice analyzing charts and data in Excel in a written report.
Exercise data analysis skills. Use knowledge of pivot tables and graphing to visualize campaign outcomes ("successful","failed", and "canceled") based on launch date. Use Excel skills to visualize percentage of successful, failed, and canceled plays based on the funding goal amount. Write an analysis of the results.
Create outcomes based on goals chart and outcomes based on launch date chart and write a written report on them.
The number of successful outcomes increases much more in May, stays and decreases much more in December and the winter months. The number of canceled outcomes stays the same throughout the year. The number of failed outcomes increases during the summer months. Both failed and successful outcomes increase in October.
The percent of successful play campaigns are above 50% when the goal is $14,999 or less. The percent of successful play campaigns are above 70% when the goal is $4,999 or less. The percent of successful play campaigns are at 67% when the goal is between $35,000 and $44,999. The percent of failed play campaigns increases as the amount of the goal increases, until it gets to 80% at the $25,000 to $29,999 range and then decreases. The percent of failed play campaigns increases to above 80% when it gets to be at $45,000 or more.
In order to have best chance at a successful theater campaign, it would be best to launch the campaign in May, June, or July. It would also be best to avoid launching the campaign in the winter months, especially October when the amount of failed campaigns increase.
In order to have the best chance at a successful play campaign, it would be best to have the goal be set at either less then $4,999 or between $35,000 and $44,999. However, setting the goal at less than $4,999 would give a more reliable chance to the play campaign at being successful due to the higher amount of data collected in that range versus the $35,000 to $44,999 range.
The dataset doesn't include other variables that could attribute to these results, advertising events connected to these kickstarters that could've led to these results, first-hand accounts of why the backers chose to contribute to certain kickstarter campaigns, and any other possible variables that could affect the outcome of the kickstarter campaigns. Different countries may also have different goal amounts because it may cost more or less to achieve what needs to be achieved in those campaigns according to different locations.
Other graphs could've been created from just the outcomes from each country. Another helpful graph could be the outcomes based on staff pick. Also, outcomes based on number of backers might be helpful. All of these can help put together a more complete picture of what leads to different outcomes for different campaigns.