- validation
- pushing data to beanstalk
A live server can be found here.
Start by cloning the project.
git clone git@github.com:linjekoll/api-server-js.git
Navigate to the downloaded folder and run bundler.
cd api-server-js && bundle install
Start the server by running foreman start
- api_key (String) An API key provided by linjekoll.
- provider_id (Integer) You provider id, should be a uniq id from out database.
- journey_id (Object) What journey/trip should be updated? This might be any value.
Ingoing data.
event: "event",
next_station: 8998235,
previous_station: 898345,
arrival_time: 1318843870,
alert_message: "oops!",
line_id: 2342
- event (String) ("did_leave_station"|"update"|"alert") What event was triggered?
- previous_station (Integer) What is the previous? Value from database,
. - next_station (Integer) Where are we headed? Value from database,
. - arrival_time (Integer) When is the train ariving at
? This should be a unix time stamp. - alert_message (String) Is there anything wrong ? This might be
. - line_id (Integer) What line do we want to update? Value from database,
Returns 204 if everything went okay, otherwise 400.
An 400 request returns this data.
valid: false
errors: ["id is not a valid int"]
Just a heartbeat.
event: "event",
next_station: 8998235,
previous_station: 898345,
arrival_time: 1318843870,
alert_message: "oops!",
line_id: 2342
provider_id: 123123,
journey_id: 123123
Here we're using the same attributes as above.
Install node.js ~> 0.4.12 and npm.
Then install dependencies and run the server by typing:
npm install -d && node app.js
- Doesn't check API-keys
PUT: /:api_key/providers/:provider_id/journeys/:journey_id
- get the pending job from beanstalk
- push a dummy job into beanstalk