MIPF (Medical Image Processing Framework) is a python library based on trame, primarily designed for medical image processing and visualization. Its architecture is inspired by MITK(Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit) and supports loading, browsing, and interacting with medical imaging data.
python setup.py bdist_wheel -p linux_x86_64
python setup.py bdist_wheel -p win_amd64
pip install ./dist/mipf-**.whl
workbench -f "your image(*.vti,*.nii,*.mha) or model(*.vtp,*.stl,*.ply) filepath"
or specify host and port
workbench -f "your image(*.vti,*.nii,*.mha) or model(*.vtp,*.stl,*.ply) filepath" --port "port" --host 'host ip' --server
These are some simple examples and more features are under development.