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clipyarser is a simple, declarative and easy-testable command line argument parser. It's inspired by Typer.

Simply decorate your normal python functions with @clipyarser.main or @clipyarser.subcommand and you have a fully working cli program. clipyarser parses the arguments from the console and calls the matching function with the right arguments.


  • No dependencies: Argument parsing is done with Python's argparse module
  • Parsing and validation based on type hints
  • Global arguments via @clipyarser.main
  • Subcommands with @clipyarser.subcommand
  • Default arguments
  • Easily testing, because functions yield instead of print() lines

TL;DR — Show me the code

Example: Calculator with add and sub subcommands, and a global verbose switch.

from clipyarser import Clipyarser

clipyarser = Clipyarser()

verbose_output = None

def add(lhs: int, rhs: int):
	"""Compute lhs + rhs"""
	if verbose_output:
		yield f"Computing {lhs} + {rhs}"
	yield lhs + rhs

def sub(lhs: int, rhs: int = 0):
	"""Compute lhs - rhs"""
	if verbose_output:
		yield f"Computing {lhs} - {rhs}"
	yield lhs + rhs

def main(verbose: bool = False):
	"""Useless calculator"""
	# main gets always called
	# We use it for arguments used in *all* subcommands
	global verbose_output
	verbose_output = verbose

if __name__ == '__main__':

Help message with doc comment for main:

$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--verbose VERBOSE] {add,sub} ...

Useless calculator

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --verbose VERBOSE

Help message for add:

$ python3 add --help
usage: add [-h] lhs rhs

Compute lhs + rhs

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Invoke add:

$ python3 add 3 4

Invoke sub with default argument and use global verbose argument:

$ python3 --verbose True sub 5
Computing 5 - 0

Error handling:

$ python3 add
usage: add [-h] lhs rhs add: error: the following arguments are required: lhs, rhs


Here we will create a small command line application with clipyarser.


Create a new directory and an empty file.

In import clipyarser:

from clipyarser import CLI

Create a CLI parser

To create a clipyarser parser, simply write this into the file.

from clipyarser import Clipyarser

clipyarser = Clipyarser()

Now we create a simple greeting function.

def main(name: str) -> str:
    return f'Hello {name}'

This function simply returns a string which says "hello" to a person. The name of the person is specified in the arguments of the function.

Note that we use type hints in the function arguments. This is necessary for clipyarser, because it parses the arguments from the console according to the specified types. So when adding an argument age with type int, clipyarser does the parsing and validation of an int for you.

Now, we have to execute clipyarser when the program is run.

if __name__ == '__main__':

And that is the first running example of clipyarser.

Now lets test it.

$ python3
usage: [-h] name {} ... error: the following arguments are required: name

Ok, we have to specify the name of the person we want to greet. This makes sense, because we take name as argument in our main() function.

$ python3 Linus
Hello Linus

Ok nice. That worked.

Default Arguments/Options

Sometimes it is convenient that a function has default arguments, which can be overridden when calling the function. This is also possible with clipyarser. Let's try to take our greeting function from above and extend it with an optional argument.

def main(name: str, greeting: str = 'Hello') -> str:
  return f'{greeting} {name}'

So a user can customize the greeting. By default, the greeting is 'Hello', but it can be overridden. Now let's see how this looks in the console.

$ python3 Linus
Hello Linus
$ python3 Linus --greeting Hi
Hi Linus

Pretty intiutive, right?


In a bigger application, you may don't want all logic in a main() function. Therefore, clipyarser allows you to add subcommands.

from clipyarser import Clipyarser

clipyarser = Clipyarser()

def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    return a + b

This subcommand is a function which adds to numbers together.

$ python3 add 2 4

But what has happened to the main function? For simplicity, we have deleted it. Let's try to add one again.

def main(verbose: bool = False):
  return 'verbose is {verbose}'

Now, when calling our application, the main() function always runs. This might be handy when you have some logic or arguments that are independent of am individual subcommand, like a more verbose output.

$ python3 add 3 2
verbose is False
$ python3 --verbose true add 3 2
verbose is True

Printing multiple lines

Until now, when we want to print something to the console, we just returned it. This might seem ok, but sometimes you want to print multiple lines or want to print something during a calculation. But simple print()ing is not a good idea. We will se soon why.

To print multiple lines, use the yield statement.

Back to our greeting example from the beginning.

from time import sleep
from clipyarser import Clipyarser

clipyarser = Clipyarser()

def main(name: str):
    yield 'Hello'
    yield name
    yield 42
$ python3 Linus

Because yield turns main() into a generator function, the output 'Hello' is printed immediately, but name takes two seconds to print.

Maybe one could think of another solution: Just add all things to be printed to a list and return this list at the end of the function. This is bad, because the whole output would take two seconds to print, in particular the 'Hello' line. This makes your clipyarser not very responsive to the end user.

Ok. But why is just printing a bad idea? Testing.


The advantage of CLI is simple testing. Functions like main() and add() are normal python functions, so you can call them like normal functions. They take normal arguments. They return normal things, e.g. a generator instead of printing. This means that you can also test these functions like normal functions.

import unittest
from clipyarser import Clipyarser

clipyarser = Clipyarser()

class TestMyCli(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_greet(self):
        actual = list(main('Linus'))
        expected = ['Hello', 'Linus', 42]
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

Since main() is a generator function, we can convert its output to a list and check if it is what we expect. If using print(), this would not be as easy.

Ok, this is the end of the tutorial. Have fun using clipyarser.