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jesternberg edited this page Apr 24, 2019 · 31 revisions

Manually Starting Daemons and Tools

To start using the DEM Management Suite, start the daemons.

  1. Start the DEM Endpoint Manager (DEM-EM) daemon if you want to remotely manage configuration of a given Target system.
  2. Start the DEM Discovery controller (DEM) to enable web-based or command-line-interface management for managing remote targets.
  3. Optionally start the DEM Host Auto Connect (DEM-AC) to enable Hosts to discovery their provisioned remote resources and auto-connect to each of those provisioned remote subsystems.
  4. Optionally start the DEM Monitor Utility (DEM-DM) to enable monitoring on each Host for updates to Discovery Log-pages and changes to provisioned resources.

Detailed instructions:

DEM Endpoint Manager (DEM-EM)

Optional mechanism for In-band or out-of-band configuration of each Target.

Only needed if a systems administrator will be remotely managing remote NVMe resources.

Configure fabric interface(s) the Endpoint Manager will report to the DEM Discovery Controller.

This is the fabric interface the DEM will use for NVMe-oF.

This is done via files ifcfg-like files under /etc/nvme/nvmeof-dem (file ‘config’ and ‘signature’ are reserved).

Example RDMA interface on IP-Address “”. Note: The specification of a TRSVCID is an indication that the DEM should use this transport for Hosts to connect for retrieval of Discovery Log pages. The TRSVCID in the example below is not used by the Endpoint Manager - TRSVCID used by Target drivers are assigned by administrator through DEM configuration. This TRSVCID is only used by the DEM daemon.

# Configuration file for RDMA interface
TRSVCID=4422  # Service ID only used by DEM Discovery Controller

Start Target Endpoint Manager specifying ‘management mode’.

This is the mechanism the DEM will use to communicate to the DEM-EM.

This is only used for configuration purposes.

Out-of-Band management mode specifying RESTful interfaces on port 22334.

# dem-em -p 22334

In-Band management mode on rdma ipv4 address “” The Service ID is definable, but cannot be “4420” as this would conflict with the Target driver.

# dem-em -t rdma -f ipv4 -a -s 4433

Starting either in-band or out-of-band DEM-EM reports enumerated devices and interfaces.

If run in debug-mode the DEM-EM will not start as a daemon, and all output will be sent to stdout rather than to /var/log/…

DEM Discovery Controller (DEM)

Configure fabric interface(s) for Host communication to the DEM Discovery Controller.

This is the fabric interface DEM listens on for Hosts to connect and request Discovery Log Pages.

This is done via ifcfg-like files under /etc/nvme/nvmeof-dem (file ‘config’ and ‘signature’ are reserved).

Example RDMA interface on IP-Address “”. If the TRSVCID is not present in a given configuration file, the default TRSVCID for that interface is the pre-assigned NVMe-oF ID "4420".

Note 1: TRSVCID “4420” is the pre-assigned NVMe-oF ID and MAY ONLY be used if the DEM Discovery Controller is NOT co-located with an NVMe-oF Target driver.

Note 2: If the DEM Discovery Controller and DEM Endpoint Manager are co-located configuration files will be used by both services to define interfaces used for communication with Hosts.

# Configuration file for RDMA interface
TRSVCID=4422  # Service ID only used by DEM Discovery Controller

Starting DEM Discovery Controller specifying RESTful interfaces on a port.

Default HTTP port is 22345.

# dem –p <HTTP port id>

If run in debug-mode the DEM will not start as a daemon, and all output will be sent to stdout rather than to /var/log/…

DEM Auto Connect (DEM-AC) utility

Optional component to enable Hosts to connect to a Discovery controller (DEM or NVMe-oF Target) and automatically connect to provisioned NVMe resources as defined by Discovery Log Pages.

Starting Auto Connect to address of the DEM Discovery Controller.

# dem-ac -t rdma -f ipv4 -a -s 4422

Starting Auto Connect to address of an NVMe-oF Target Discovery Controller

# dem-ac -t rdma -f ipv4 -a -s 4420

If run in debug-mode the DEM-AC will not start as a daemon, and all output will be sent to stdout rather than to /var/log/…

DEM Discovery Monitor (DEM-DM) utility

Optional component to enable Hosts to monitor a Discovery Controller (DEM or NVMe-oF Target) and report provisioned NVMe resources as defined by Discovery Log Pages.

Starting Monitor and point it to the address of the DEM Discovery Controller.

# dem-dm -t rdma -f ipv4 -a -s 4422

Starting Monitor and point it to the address of an NVMe-oF Target Discovery Controller.

# dem-dm -t rdma -f ipv4 -a -s 4420