This is a large collection of party parrots, so large that it spans across 3 Netlify websites and 3 repositories. (4 if you count a api)
All of these parrots are downloaded from a website called
If you want to put these parrots in your website, then follow these instructions:
Look inside the repository for a parrot you like.
Make a image tag in your website with a URL in this format:{parrot you want to put in your website}
For HD Parrots:{parrot you want to put in your website specifically in the hd folder}
If you want to use flag parrots, then: visit linuxfandudeguy/flagparrots and find a file name for a parrot you like.
Make a image tag in your website with a URL in this format:{file name of the parrot you want to use}
if you want party guests then follow these instructions: visit linuxfandudeguy/partyguests and find a file name for a guest you like.
Make a image tag in your website with a URL in this format:{guest you want to put in your website}
For HD Parrots:{guest you want to put in your website specifically in the hd folder}