This guide details how to reproduce the experimental results presented in our TACAS25 paper. We evaluated four different configurations of Painless, each representing different sharing strategies and solver combinations.
On October 21st,2024, we were notified that the paravance cluster will become unavailable after November 4th,2024. We apologize for these circumstances. You can test on the parasilo cluster which has the same CPU as paravance, however only 24 nodes are available.
oarsub -l nodes=24,walltime=13:30:00 -p "cluster='parasilo'" -t night "bash`
- Platform: Grid5000 Paravance Cluster
- Nodes: 25 machines (50 CPUs total)
- Architecture: 2 Intel Xeon E5-2630 v3 per node, with 8 cores/CPU (16 cores/node)
- Main Memory: 128 GiB/node
- Network: 2 x 10 Gbps (SR‑IOV)
- Operating System: Debian 11 (bullseye)
- MPI Implementation: OpenMPI 4.1.0
- Compiler: GCC 10.2.1
# Set up hostfile from node allocation in bashrc
export HOSTFILE=~/software/hostfile
The instances can be downloaded via:
wget --content-disposition
mkdir cnf && cd cnf
wget --content-disposition -i ../track_tacas25_painless.uri
The instances from the International SAT Competition 2024(GBD-ISC24) were used. However, due to some out of memory errors, not all instances were solved. The intersection of the non crashed instances can be found here.
cd /path/to/painless
- Please note that jemalloc was unavailable
cd /path/to/mallob
bash ./lib/
mkdir build && cd build
CC=$(which mpicc) CXX=$(which mpicxx) cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE \
cd /path/to/PRS-distributed-sc24
bash ./
# Reserve 25 nodes on Paravance cluster
oarsub -l nodes=25,walltime=15:00:00 -p "cluster='paravance'" -t night "bash ~/jobs_out/"
Each benchmark requires at least 15 hours of execution time.
- Create a text file containing paths to CNF formulas, one per line.
ls -d /absolute/path/to/cnfs/*.cnf >formula_list.txt
- For each configuration:
./scripts/ scripts/<config> formula_list.txt [experiment_name]
- Example runs for each configuration:
# in
# PL-Mallob-kc
cd path/to/painless && bash ./scripts/ scripts/ formulas.txt PL-Mallob-kc
# PL-Horde+Generic-PRS
cd path/to/painless && bash ./scripts/ scripts/ formulas.txt PL-Horde+Generic-PRS
# PL-Horde+Mallob-kc
cd path/to/painless && bash ./scripts/ scripts/ formulas.txt PL-Horde+Mallob-kc
# PL-Horde+Allgather-kc
cd path/to/painless && bash ./scripts/ scripts/ formulas.txt PL-Horde+Allgather-kc
# Reserve 25 nodes on Paravance cluster for a night
oarsub -l nodes=25,walltime=13:30:00 -p "cluster='paravance'" -t night "bash /path/to/"
The experiments use parameter files located in the scripts/
directory. Each file configures Painless for a specific sharing strategy and solver combination.
All configurations share some base parameters:
nb_physical_cores=$(lscpu | grep ^Core\(s\)\\sper\\ssocket:\\s | awk '{print $4}')
nb_solvers=$nb_physical_cores # One solver per physical core
verbose=1 # Enable basic logging
timeout=500 # Timeout in seconds
hostfile=$HOSTFILE # Hostfile is set to the environment variable
# Number of mpi processes == number of sockets per node * number of nodes
nb_procs_per_node=$(lscpu | grep ^Socket\(s\):\\s | awk '{print $2}')
nb_nodes=$(ls $hostfile | wc)
# mpi mapping in is:
# --bind-to hwthread --map-by ppr:$nb_procs_per_node:node:pe=$nb_physical_cores
In case, you want to run the tools in a local machine, you have only to set manually the nb_procs_per_node
and nb_physical_cores
variables to the wanted values of MPI processes and solvers per MPI process, respectively.
- Most of the options are used with their default values, thus they are not set in the configuration files.
- PL-Mallob-kc (
solver="kc" # Kissat and cadical as base solvers
lstrat=-1 # Disable local sharing strategies (no hordesat or simple share)
gstrat=2 # Mallob global sharing
sharing_per_sec=2 # Share clauses twice per second
gshr_lit=$(($nb_physical_cores * 400 / $sharing_per_sec)) # Base buffer size
flags="-simple -mallob -gshr-sleep=10000 -gshr-lit=${gshr_lit} -importDB-cap=$(($gshr_lit * 10))" # Use PortfolioSimple in Mallob mode
- PL-Horde+Generic-PRS (
solver="IMl" # Kissat-Inc, MapleCompls, and lingeling
# shr-strat and -gshr-strat options are only used for naming
flags="-gshr-lit=0 -one-sharer -gshr-sleep=0" # Single sharer configuration using PortfolioPRS with unlimited buffer for GenericGlobalSharing
- PL-Horde+Mallob-kc (
solver="kc" # Kissat and Cadical as base solvers
lstrat=1 # Local sharing via HordeSat
gstrat=2 # Global Mallob sharing
sharing_per_sec=2 # Share clauses twice per second
gshr_lit=$(($nb_physical_cores * 400 / $sharing_per_sec))
flags="-simple -gshr-sleep=300000 -importDB=m -importDB-cap=$(($gshr_lit * 10)) -gshr-lit=${gshr_lit}" # Use PortfolioSimple
- PL-Horde+Allgather-kc (
solver="kc" # Kissat and Cadical as base solvers
lstrat=1 # Local sharing via HordeSat
gstrat=1 # All-gather global sharing
shr_sleep=200000 # Sleep time for HordSat
gshr_lit=$(($nb_physical_cores * 1500))
flags="-simple -gshr-sleep=300000 -gshr-lit=${gshr_lit}" # Use PortfolioSimple
Grid 5000 Specific Notes:
- The MPI configuration automatically adapts to the Grid5000 environment using the provided hostfile
- The parameter files detect the number of physical cores per node using
- The launch script includes Grid5000-specific MPI flags:
--mca pml ^ucx
- The MPI job is aborted if a solution was found and returned by a process (return value = 10 or 20) due to the option
--mca orte_abort_on_non_zero_status true
- Results are organized in the
├── metric_${solver}_L${lstrat}_G${gstrat}_${timestamp}/
│ ├── logs/ # Per-instance solver logs
│ ├── times_*.csv # Detailed timing results
└── times.csv # Summary of all experiments
- Use the provided plotting script to analyze results:
python3 scripts/ --base-dir outputs --timeout 500
This generates:
- Performance statistics (PAR2 scores, solved instances)
- Cumulative time plots
The generated combined_results.csv
file can be used to generate scatter plots by using the --file
and --scatter-plots
For complete parameter documentation, see src/utils/Parameters.hpp
For Grid5000-specific support:
- Reference:
- Support: