StoryBook is a social media mobile-app that allows users to share their stories in a very unique way. The user simply has to post a photo, and anyone can see the photo and where their photo was posted. Users can also see all nearby photos as Augmented Reality objects in their camera view.
- nodejs
- aws S3
- aws elastic beanstalk
- express
- postgresql
- sequelize
- react
- react-native
- react-native-arkit
- redux
- facebook SDK
- python flask
- css
- socket io
In order to get this app running, begin with 'npm install'. Then, follow the instructions on "" and make the necessary modifications on XCode.
If there are issues with FaceBook SDK, please read through here: "" IF there are issues with react native ar kit, please read through here: ""
You can find the request routes at server > routes > index.js
You will need 2 variables in your .env:
- DB_URL: to link to your postgress database (elephantsql)
- API_KEY: to hold your Spoonacular api key
The developers of this app:
- Daniel Chong(project owner)
- Angie Tang (scrum master)
- Jaafar Skafi (developer)
- Jordan Daniels (developer)