- Some reverse tokenization issuese #58, #63, #64
- VSCode can't go back to the 1.0.57 once a higher major version is published, so fixing it this ugly way
- Fixed importing current Java file (when hotswapping was used)
- Fixed importing current file command
- Some minor fixes to Java import
- Some more fixes to Java import
- Java file import with multi-server scenario (when %%IIQ_SERVERS%% has multiple servers)
- Issue #59 and #60
- When you execute "Run Task" command a new document with TaskResult object will be open. It will refresh every 5 sec to update the status of the object.
- "Delete Current Object" command, useful if you want to terminate a task by deleting the corresponding TaskResult ^
- Fixed Java class path for Java file compile and import
- Fixed the extension activation errors when the extension activated not from an SSB (or any) workspace
- by workspace VSCode means "folder". From the File menu you can open a folder or close a folder. If the folder contains your SSB environment, you should be good to go
- Tomcat restart
- Bump semver from 7.3.5 to 7.5.4
- Certificate import. Now you can import a certificate (Base-64 encoded X.509) from VSCode. See readme file for details.
- Dependabot: Bump xml2js from 0.4.23 to 0.5.0
- Made sure when Java class file is uploaded, the class path will be created
- Make sure that Java import takes care of inner classes too
- Added the ability to sort by name or by last modified date (cf. #44)
- Added snippets for rules (cf. #42)
- Added the possibility to disable, force or ask tokenization (cf. #43)
- Added the possibility to define default folders (cf. #41)
- Added the possibility to import several files and files within a folder (cf. #40)
- && is replaced in attribute value (cf. #50)
- Upgrade the xmldom dependency
- Fixed "Refresh object" command. The command was expecting a temporary file context which was broken. Now I removed the dependency on the temp file so the command will work for both temp objects (obtained via Get Object command) and local files.
- Fixed deploying uncommitted change. In VSCode they mangled private properties to speedup loading so I removed dependency on private properties.
- Fixed #32 issue, thanks to @parithon
- Bumped minimatch and mocha versions
- Added ability to use extension with projects using DevSecOps project structure (https://community.sailpoint.com/t5/Professional-Services/IdentityIQ-DevSecOps-Toolkit-Alpha-V2/ta-p/196332), thanks to @claesjohansson
- Fixed the "Deploy Uncommitted Change" error
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 based on Dependabot suggestion
- Removed the LSP diagnostics for powershell documents, now it will not underline powershell scripts with red lines
- Allow tokens in property files to have empty values, before it used to complain that the token wasn't defined
- Added the ability to tokenize xml objects when using GetObject and compareLocalWithDeployed
- Added ExportObjects command using reverse tokenization which gets deployed objects and saves them in a local folder
- Make regex for xml object global so it doesn't miss repeated characters
- When getting a deployed XML object, it will be "beautified" before presenting to the user (That is "id", "created", "modified" attributes will be removed and special XML characters like < > or && will be correspondingly replaced by <, > or &&)
- The ability to update log4j configuration on multiple iiq servers
- Ctrl-Alt-x will reload the logging configuraion if your current file is a log4j config (either from you disk or obtained from the iiq server)
- Installed new packages with security updates
- Cleared some ground for tests
- Some minor fixes for the setting xml context
- Added disableTLSValidation configuraion variable to address the issue of some users having to manually setting process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0
- Fixed the git repository failure to find git files
- Some LSP additions (trying out virtual documents)
- Fixed properties-reader weird dependency issue (properties-reader didn't pull the src folder)
- Rollback to version 1.0.27 to temporary fix dependency issue
- Disable LSP by default
- Fixed a bug with caching tokens from both target and secret properties files
- Added some basic LSP functionality, some error highlighting (now disabled by default since still in development)
- Show Java compilation errors and improve compilation process
- Added compile/import feature for Java files
- Enhanced context-based menu commands
- Added an option to choose whether or not get confirmation for multipe files to be imported (deployCustomBuildQuietly = false by default)
- Added the ability to refresh an XML object (obtained via GetObject before). Also you can choose to see the difference between the old and new objects
- The workflow will now get updated automatically to the new version (before you had to do it manually)
- Added an option to choose whether or not to show the progess bar while deleting multiple objects (showDeleteProgress = true by default)
- Added the ability to show system information (similar in debug about page)
- Refactored code to TypeScript
- Updated the delete object features, now the user can select multiple objects instead of just one
- Support for .target.secret.properties where you can store secret tokens (outside of source control) The secret properties files are also supported by SSB
- Fixed a typo
- Removed the ability to make token replacements when in format value=%%token%%
- Added the ability for double backslashes to be replaced to one backslash (for SSD build compatibility)
- Added the ability to make token replacements when in format value=%%token%%
- Fixed boolean tokens replacement
- The ability to deploy currently open files
- Detect if some tokens couldn't be substituted and erroring out on that
- Compare Local object with Deployed
- IIQ environment display/change from the status bar
- Some minor updates to custom deploy (warnings during SSB build will not stop the deployment)
- Fixed https agent
- Removed typescript reference
- Added option to run SSB build for custom deployment
- Ignore expired SSL certificates when importing files
- Fixed full deployment again. Now it's just deploying files from under build/extract/WEB-INF/config/custom. Let SSB take care of selecting the right files, we don't need to duplicate the SSB job
- Fixed full deployment. Now it will filter out /build/extract/ xml files
- Do Full Deployment
- Fixed context menu commands
- Deploy Uncommited Change
- Context-based Execution
- Switch environment commmand
- Support for synax highlighting
- Added context menu for file import
- Tutorial Image
- Initial release