This repository transforms copilot.lua into a cmp source.
Copilot suggestions will automatically be loaded into your cmp menu as snippets and display their full contents when a copilot suggestion is hovered.
If you already have copilot.lua installed, you can install this plugin with packer as you would any other with the following code:
opts = {},
dependencies = "copilot.lua"
use {
after = { "copilot.lua" },
config = function ()
If you do not have copilot.lua installed, go to and follow the instructions there before installing this one
It is recommended to disable copilot.lua's suggestion and panel modules, as they can interfere with completions properly appearing in copilot-cmp. To do so, simply place the following in your copilot.lua config:
suggestion = { enabled = false },
panel = { enabled = false },
To link cmp with this source, simply go into your cmp configuration file and
include { name = "copilot" }
under your sources
Here is an example of what it should look like:
cmp.setup {
sources = {
-- Copilot Source
{ name = "copilot", group_index = 2 },
-- Other Sources
{ name = "nvim_lsp", group_index = 2 },
{ name = "path", group_index = 2 },
{ name = "luasnip", group_index = 2 },
Copilot's cmp source now has a builtin highlight group CmpItemKindCopilot
. To
add an icon to copilot for lspkind, simply add copilot to your lspkind symbol
-- lspkind.lua
local lspkind = require("lspkind")
symbol_map = {
Copilot = "",
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CmpItemKindCopilot", {fg ="#6CC644"})
Alternatively, you can add Copilot to the lspkind symbol_map
within the cmp
format function.
-- cmp.lua
cmp.setup {
formatting = {
format = lspkind.cmp_format({
mode = "symbol",
max_width = 50,
symbol_map = { Copilot = "" }
If you do not use lspkind, simply add the custom icon however you normally
handle kind
formatting and it will integrate as if it was any other normal lsp
completion kind.
Unlike other completion sources, copilot can use other lines above or below an
empty line to provide a completion. This can be problematic for individuals that
select menu entries with <TAB>
. This behavior is configurable via cmp's config
and the following code will make it so that the menu still appears normally, but
tab will fallback to indenting unless a non-whitespace character has actually
been typed.
local has_words_before = function()
if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "buftype") == "prompt" then return false end
local line, col = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0))
return col ~= 0 and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_text(0, line-1, 0, line-1, col, {})[1]:match("^%s*$") == nil
mapping = {
["<Tab>"] = vim.schedule_wrap(function(fallback)
if cmp.visible() and has_words_before() then
cmp.select_next_item({ behavior = cmp.SelectBehavior.Select })
One custom comparitor for sorting cmp entries is provided: prioritize
. The
comparitor causes copilot entries to appear higher in the cmp menu.
It is recommended keeping priority weight at 2, or placing the exact
comparitor above copilot so that better lsp matches are not stuck below poor
copilot matches.
cmp.setup {
sorting = {
priority_weight = 2,
comparators = {
-- Below is the default comparitor list and order for nvim-cmp,
--, --this is commented in nvim-cmp too,, -- or: require("cmp_copilot.comparators").score,,,,,,,
Note: It is now heavily discouraged to modify the default settings unless an issue gives you good reason to do so.
The configurable options for this plugin are as follows:
event = { "InsertEnter", "LspAttach" },
fix_pairs = true,
update_on_keypress = true, -- fetch for new completions on every keypress
The event parameter configures when the source is registered. Unless you have a unique problem for your particular configuration you probably don't want to touch this.
Suppose you have the following code: print('h')
Copilot might try to account
for the '
and )
and complete it with this: print('hello
This is not good behavior for consistency reasons and will just end up deleting the two ending characters. This option fixes that. Don't turn this off unless you are having problems with pairs and believe this might be causing them.