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A field that stores the latand lng values as well as further information of a place you can search like on google maps.


Prepare your model with two float colums, e.g. lat and lng and set them fillable.

$table->float('lat', 12, 9);
$table->float('lng', 12, 9);

In order to use the location field you need an Google-API-Key with the following APIs activated:

  • Maps JavaScript
  • Places API

Add this to your lit config.

'location' => [
    'google_api_key' => env('GOOGLE_API_KEY'),

Now the map field can be used like this:

$form->map('lat', 'lng');

You can save further information from the Places-API like this:

$form->map('lat', 'lng', [
    'formatted_address' => 'address', // saves the formatted_address attribute in the address column of your model