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File metadata and controls

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Easy Rest

Designed for small or medium servers and fast development.

Steps before service:

  • Request attribute configuration. e.g:charset
  • Request method validate.
  • Parameters value inject.
  • Permission check.
  • Missing fields check.
  • Customized check.(if required)
  • ...
  • Other customized step.(if required)
  • ...
  • Transaction prepared.(if required)

Steps after service:

  • History record.(if required)
  • ...
  • Other customized step.(if required)
  • ...
  • Transaction commit or rollback.(if required)

Sync request:

  • Return with the result.

Async request:

  • Submit to job pool and return jobId.
  • Query job status.
  • Get job result.

Quick start

How to build a simple rest server?

Just 3 Files:


This java file is for the whole system that can config some parameters for this server.


This is the rest model that defined what parameters we want.


This is the implement of the rest.
package com.easyrest.example;

import com.easyrest.framework.easyrest.EasyRest;
import com.easyrest.framework.easyrest.SystemStartupService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;

public class Startup implements SystemStartupService {

    private static final EasyRest EASY_REST = new EasyRest();

    public void init(){


setEnabledAutoTransaction(false) is the auto transaction switch. If set true, and add @TransactionRequired on the model, the transaction will be auto managed by EasyRest, the transaction can auto start and commit or rollback. You also should add the config in spring applicationContext.xml like:

	<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager">
        <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>

There are many other configurations will be mentioned on other chapter.
package com.easyrest.example.model.request;

import com.easyrest.framework.core.annotations.bean.BindService;
import com.easyrest.framework.core.annotations.method.Get;
import com.easyrest.framework.core.annotations.parameter.AllDefined;
import com.easyrest.framework.core.model.request.AbstractRequestModel;
import com.easyrest.framework.core.model.request.HttpEntity;
import com.easyrest.framework.exception.ConditionMissingException;

public class ExampleModel extends AbstractRequestModel {

    private String code;
    private String url;
    private String message;

    public String getCode() {
        return code;

    public String getUrl() {
        return url;

    public String getMessage() {
        return message;

    public void customizedCheck(HttpEntity httpEntity) throws ConditionMissingException {
        if (url.equals("123")) throw new ConditionMissingException("url can not be 123");

This file is the configuration of the rest.

@Get({/example}) make this rest should use GET method to visit it at the path of "/example".(You can bind multi path on the same rest and also can set GET and POST at the same time).

@AllDefined will check all parameters whether defined in the rest request. If not, EasyRest will return the parameters which not defined.

@BindService(HomeServiceImpl.class) will bind a service to process this rest.

There are many other annotations will be mentioned on other chapter.


import com.easyrest.example.model.request.HomeModel;
import com.easyrest.framework.core.model.request.HttpEntity;
import com.easyrest.framework.core.model.response.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public class ExampleServiceImpl implements RequestProcessService {

    public Object doProcess(HttpEntity httpEntity) {
        ExampleModel model = (ExampleModel) httpEntity.getRequestModel();
        return ResponseEntity.buildOkResponse(model);


This is the service to process the request and bind on

The service should to implement RequestProcessService, you can get the HttpEntity which has all infomations about the request and cast it to Model which you bind like this: ExampleModel model = (ExampleModel) httpEntity.getRequestModel(); and all parameters you can get it.