Open Source Odoo Cluster Implementation
Redis - Session Storage & Orm cache ; --Must
pgpool II- used in posgresql cluster ; --Optional
1.prepare more than two servers, one is the master ,the others are slave(s)
2.copy the files to the odoo server directory, and replace the old files;
3.modify the master odoo.conf file:
ormcache_redis_url=redis://@redis-ip:6379/0 ;strongly recommand the redis instance used in ormchace is not previous one
max_cron_threads = x ;(x>1)
4.modify all the slave(s) odoo.conf file:
session_redis_url=redis://@redis-ip:6379/0 ;same as master
ormcache_redis_url=redis://@redis-ip:6379/0 ;same as master
max_cron_threads = 0
5.use a nfs directory as data directory for master and slave(s) server(mount as a folder).
data_dir = data ==> a nfs directory