This repository provides the code for the work in NAACL2019: Event Detection without Triggers.
Because of the copyright issue of ACE2005 Corpus, we can not release the corpus. For test, we give 10 samples in data/test_corpus_10.txt.
Each line represents a testing sample, whose format is as follows:
w1 e1 \t w2 e2 \t ... ... wn en \t evt1 evt2 ... evtm
where, [w1, w2, ..., wn] are tokens of a testing sentence, [e1, e2, ..., en] are the corresponding entity type of each token, [evt1, evt2, ..., evtm] are the types of events mentioned in this sentence (if m is 0, this block will be replaced with a single 'NEGATIVE' label).
We provide a trained model, which can be downloaded here: model files.
You can run this code to evaluate the trained model using the following command:
python evaluation
or train the model using your own traininng corpus:
python train
Required running environment:
1. python 2.7
2. tensorflow 1.14