Work in progress. The API should look like:
queue.register { step: 'postproc' },
# attributes that comprise the job ID; requests with identical IDs are merged into a single job
id: ['project', 'step']
# merge oldRequest into newRequest; by default, all array attributes are merged;
# ID attributes are guaranteed to be equal
merge: (newRequest, oldRequest) ->
execute: (request, emit) ->
@add type: 'warning', file: '/foo'
@done null
queue.add { project:, step: 'postproc', paths: paths }
# value triggering (remove existing jobs with this scope, then add new ones)
queue.update { project:, step: 'postproc' }, { paths: [paths] }
queue.update { project:, step: 'compile' }, [{src: '/path/to/src'}, {src: '/another/src'}]
queue.cancel { project: }
Work in progress.
Copyright 2012, Andrey Tarantsov. Distributed under the MIT license.