Instructions for the Maintainer PREPARING A RELEASE - first steps, command line 1. Switch to / create the <rel-4.x.x> branch git checkout -b rel-4.x.x 2. Run basic npm security checks; npm audit fix 3. update version src/js/core/mejs.js:mejs.version = '4.x.x'; package.js: version: '4.x.x', package-lock.json: "version": "4.x.x", package.json: "version": "4.x.x", 4. check with shell command; egrep "version:|mejs.version =" package.js src/js/core/mejs.js head -4 package*.json | grep version 5. Update 6. Build release; grunt 7. check that mejs.version has been updated sucessfully below build/ grep mejs.version build/* -r 8. add/commit all including build/ git add --all git commit -am "release 4.x.x 9. carefully, interractivelly rebase, allowing "reword"ing commits for cleaner git log git rebase -i master 10. git push PREPARING A RELEASE - second step on prepare a new release using PREPARING A RELEASE - third step on