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Nunjucks + Express Starter Project

Currently work in progress

This starter template assumes we are working with which you should of course change to the correct domain.


Project dependencies can be installed using npm i BUT this project requires on the following global dependencies.

  • NodeJS v8.9.x or above
  • pm2 (install using npm i -g pm2)

Features included in this template

This template includes all of the following features. If you do not need any of them, delete/modify the corresponding files.

Feature Files / Folders Remarks
Nginx reverse proxy, _scripts/ I use this to make a server serve multiple domains at the same time. Each domain is served by Express over a different port and Nginx reverse proxy routes traffic to the correct port
robots.txt templates/robots.txt
Simple deploy script _scripts/, package.json This script is run over SSH on the target server. This is the simplest possible deploy script: it pulls the repo and restarts forever
Resources synchronisation script _scripts/ This script uses rsync to synchronise front-end resources that are not committed to git
NPM deploy script package.json The npm run deploy command basically runs the sync and deploy scripts decribed above
NPM dev script package.json The npm run dev command starts nodemon on server.js, listening for changes to both JS files and NJK template files
Simple templating templates/ As the name suggests, superParent.njk is the parent of all public pages. It includes the standard HTML meta tags and you should include global stylesheets and scripts here. _emptyPage.njk is the skeleton of a page and it is empty. home.njk is an example of how you should populate _emptyPage.njk.
Commonly git-ignored files .gitignore This includes commonly ignored files, eg those generated by operating systems.
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection controllers/routes.js You might want to remove this if it is not a concern

Structure of the starter template

Starter Project/
|-- _scripts/
|   |--
|   |--
|-- assets/
|-- controllers/
|   |-- routes.js
|-- credentials/
|-- templates/
|   |-- _emptyPage.njk
|   |-- footer.njk
|   |-- header.njk
|   |-- superParent.njk
|   |-- robots.txt
|-- .gitignore
|-- package.json
|-- server.js

This is, by no means, a best practice, but I have found this structure very helpful even for large projects. However, this template definitely works very well for quick projects.