You may have seen that SHE is conducting a website making contest. We know that some of you have already jumped right in and begun your work, based on the questions we’ve been receiving. We also know that some of you would like to take part, don’t really know how to create a website - afterall, some of you may have joined exactly with the hopes of learning to build something like this, right?
So we’ve decided that with ample time in our hands right now, we could introduce a small online boot-camp to streamline all those who are interested in learning how to build a website, but are clueless about where to get started.
If you’ve ever tried to learn website making online, you would have felt like there are way too many resources available, which in itself causes confusion about where to begin or which to choose. However, this is where I’ve seen a lot of us get caught up - we realize that the things to learn are endless and we keep trying to learn more. But from experience, I’ve realized that it’s more important to learn a little bit and get started on some project right away. When you do some project, you realize that there are things you don’t know - so you can learn the rest side by side to fill in those gaps in your knowledge, based on what is needed rather than trying to learn everything under the sky.
Plus, you have much more confidence when you have a project done that you can talk about based on something you have learnt, rather than having all that information in your head but getting rusty with disuse.
Roughly, here’s what we have planned:
- Over the course of a week, we’ll be sending you resources to learn the basics - just enough to get started.
- By the end of the week, if you’ve followed along, you’ll have a finished a website that can be uploaded online and shared easily. The website can be for SHE, in which case you can submit it as an entry for our contest, or it can be for anything you’d like it to be.
- We will be having discussion sessions (no video, just over chat) everyday between 7pm to 8pm where everyone can catch up on the work done and share doubts if any.
But wait, before you join our group, a few things to keep in mind:
- You’re expected to invest at least 2 hours in the first three days for self-learning, and at least one hour on the remaining days.
- We’ll be there to guide you along the way, but there will be no spoon feeding.
- You’re expected to respond proactively so that we may know that what we have planned is working out!
Ready to get started? Join here.
We’ll be sending the resources/tasks for the day in the morning at 9am. You needn’t send any response (like thumbs up) for this, because we want as many people to view it without clutter as possible.
However, feel free to send any questions/doubts you may have at any point in the group. We’ll try our best to answer them quickly. You can also answer each other’s doubts! :)
You can study/work on the tasks at your convenience throughout the day.
Do come online between 7pm to 8pm to participate in that day’s review.
Before you start working a good text editor is a must-have on any computer, in any operating system. A text editor is great for managing code of any language or to even just write down quick notes.
You can install any one of the 3 text editors listed here, if you don’t have one already. Just visit the website and follow instructions to download and install -
Visual Studio Code : (has the simplest interface)
Atom :
Sublime Code :