Persistent Homology on Embedded Time-Series [DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3528239]
This package offers high-level tools for exploration and visualization of delay coordinate embedding and persistent homology. It is used to investigate the utilization of these together as a signal processing technique. Also included is a dataset of time-series (mostly musical instrument recordings) and higher dimensional trajectories as .txt files.
PHETS uses Perseus to compute persistent homology.
PHETS was originally developed for the research detailed here. If you find PHETS useful in your research work, please cite N. Sanderson, E. Shugerman, S. Molnar, J. Meiss, and E. Bradley, "Computational Topology Techniques for Characterizing Time-Series Data", IDA-17 (Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis), London, October 2017:
Please direct inquires to
- Python 2.7
- ffmpeg
- gnuplot (with pngcairo)
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
sudo apt-get install gnuplot-x11
brew install ffmpeg
brew install gnuplot --with-cairo
If you're running into an error about compiling find_landmarks.c
, see
the trouble shooting section of documentation.pdf
for information
about C compiler / library dependencies on macOS.
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
import numpy as np
from signals import TimeSeries
from utilities import idx_to_freq
from DCE.movies import slide_window
from PH import Filtration
from config import default_filtration_params as filt_params
ts = TimeSeries(
crop=(0, 5),
time_units='seconds' # defaults to 'samples'
# the slide_window function will create a movie showing an embedding for each
# window of the time series and return the trajectory
tau = (1 / idx_to_freq(49)) / np.pi # first, choose tau = period / pi
traj = slide_window(ts, 'output/demo/embed_movie.mp4', m=2, tau=tau)
# alternatively, we could skip the movie and embed explicitly:
traj = ts.embed(m=2, tau=tau)
# now, lets build a filtration from the trajectory that is shown in the 100th
# frame of the slide_window movie
traj_window =[100]
# parameters used to build the filtration:
'ds_rate': 25,
'num_divisions': 10, # number of epsilon vals in filtration
# 'max_filtration_param': .05, # if > 0, explicit
'max_filtration_param': -10, # if < 0, stops st first 10 dim simplex
# 'use_cliques': True,
# build the filtration:
filt = Filtration(traj_window, filt_params)'output/demo/filt_movie.mp4')
A filtration can be summarized by its homology, which may be expressed as a persistence rank function:
Or as a persistence rank function:
filt.plot_prf('output/demo/prf.png') # plot the persistence rank function
Persistence rank functions are amenable to statistical analysis. prfstats.L2Classifier
, upon initialization, computes
a mean PRF and variance from a set of training PRFs; subsequently, L2Classifier.predict(PRF, k)
returns True
if the L2 distance from PRF
to the mean PRF is smaller than k
times the standard deviation. prfstats.plot_l2rocs
takes two pre-windowed Trajectory
s, traj1
and traj2
and partitions the windows roughly as follows:
windows1, windows2 =, =
train1, test1 = windows1[1::2], windows1[::2]
train2, test2 = windows2[1::2], windows2[::2]
Two L2Classifier
s are initialized:
clf1 = L2Classifier(train1)
clf2 = L2Classifier(train2)
and clf2.predict
are each called on both test1
and test2
for a range of k
, and the results are plotted as ROC curves.
traj1 = TimeSeries(
crop=(75000, 180000),
vol_norm=(0, 0, 1) # (full, crop, windows)
).embed(tau=32, m=2)
traj2 = TimeSeries(
crop=(35000, 140000),
vol_norm=(0, 0, 1)
).embed(tau=32, m=2)
'max_filtration_param': -21,
'num_divisions': 20,
'ds_rate': 20
traj1, traj2,
'clarinet', 'viol',
k=(0, 10.01, .01),
For this case, at least, the classifiers preform very well: