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API: DataWidget

lneuhaus edited this page Jul 5, 2017 · 1 revision

There are many places in pyrpl where we need to plot datasets. A unified API to deal with the following needs would make the code more maintainable:

  • Plotting several channels on the same widget (for instance with a multidimensional array as input)
  • Automatic switching between real and complex datasets (with appearance/disappearance of a phase plot)
  • Dealing with different transformations for the magnitude (linear, dB, dB/Hz...). Since we would like the internal data to stay as much as possible independent of the unit chosen for their graphical representation, I would advocate for the possibility to register different unit/conversion_functions options (mainly for the magnitude I guess) at the widget level.
  • For performance optimization, we need to have some degree of control over how much of the dataset needs to be updated. For instance, in the network analyzer, there is currently a custom signal: update_point(int). When the signal is emitted with the index of the point to update, the widget waits some time (typically 50 ms) before actually updating all the required points at once. Moreover, the curve is updated by small fragments (chunks) to avoid the bottleneck of redrawing millions of points every 50 ms for very long curves.

If we only care for the 3 first requirements, it is possible to make a pretty simple API based on the attribute/widget logic (eventhough we need to define precisely how to store the current unit). For the last requirement, I guess we really need to manually create a widget (not inheriting from AttributeWidget, and deal manually with the custom signal handling).

That's why, I propose a DataWidget (that doesn't inherit from AttributeWidget) which would expose an API to update the dataset point by point and a DataAttributeWidget, that would ideally be based on DataWidget (either inheritance or possession) to simply allow module.some_dataset = some_data_array.

Another option is to keep the current na_widget unchanged (since it is already developed and working nicely even for very large curves), and develop a simple DataAttributeWidget for all the rest of the program.

The last option is probably much easier to implement quickly, however, we need to think whether the point-by-point update capability of the na_widget was a one-time need or whether it will be needed somewhere else in the future...