Install neovim, oh-my-zsh, tmux
NOTE: Install script currently does not support install those component, it will be updated in the future! (Don't know when 😉 )
$ cd dotfiles
$ ./install --backup-and-link
Inside neovim run
: PlugInstall
:CocInstall coc-pyright
:CocInstall coc-yaml
$ git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
Inside tmux
Prefix + I
(default Prefix: Ctrl + b)
├── config
│ └── nvim
│ ├── colors
│ │ └── dracula.vim
│ ├── configs
| | ├── plug.vim
│ │ ├── plugin-setting.vim
│ │ ├── plugin.vim
│ │ └── settings.vim
│ └── init.vim
├── oh-my-zsh
│ └── themes
│ └── dracula.zsh-theme
├── vimrc
└── zshrc
└── keybindings.json
Files | Descriptions |
dracula.vim | custom vim theme name dracula |
plugin-setting.vim | contain the setting for the installed plugin |
plugin.vim | contain the list of plugin will be install into neovim |
settings.vim | contain all custom config for neovim |
init.vim | find and run all config file in ./configs when neovim inited |
dracula.zsh-theme | custom theme name dracula |
.vimrc | setting for vim and nvim, this will be copied to settings.vim in script |
.zshrc | the config of zsh mamanged by oh-my-zsh |
for MacOS use this command to disable ApplePressAndHoldEnabled function (tested on MacOS Ventura)
$ defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
Reset Iterm2 configuration
$ defaults delete com.googlecode.iterm2
Install zsh-autosuggestion
$ git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions