How fast can you type A to Z? Test online and rank!
- Platform: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE (old IE may not work well)
- Ver: 1.7
- Updated: 4/29/2024
- Created: 11/22/2020
- Author: loblab
- Show each key hit speed in chart (A is always 0 as it is the first one)
- Show finger with different colors
- Reset if you hit the first key of Target
- Show score only complete all target keys
- Can change Target, it is default to A to Z (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)
- Upload score (total & every key) of the completed round to database
- Show rank among the uploaded scores
- Show record and latest score on chart
- 1.7 ( 4/29/2024): Do not save score if less than 3 keys
- 1.6 (12/ 6/2020): Support query limit (min), median, etc
- 1.5 (12/ 6/2020): Show rank/record in recent (1d)
- 1.4 (12/ 5/2020): Support IE
- 1.3 (12/ 5/2020): Save user agent and query latest by it
- 1.2 (12/ 4/2020): Prompt to play on PC if open in mobile devices
- 1.1 (11/30/2020): Relative size: elements auto fit window
- 1.0 (11/29/2020): Show record and latest one
- 0.9 (11/29/2020): Unlock to change Target
- 0.8 (11/28/2020): Show rank
- 0.7 (11/28/2020): Save every key hit speed to database
- 0.6 (11/28/2020): As a flask web service; sum key hit durations as final score
- 0.5 (11/26/2020): Show different key with different color (by finger)
- 0.4 (11/24/2020): Show hit key speed in chart
- 0.3 (11/23/2020): List speed of each key
- 0.2 (11/22/2020): Format duration as x.xx; output current time
- 0.1 (11/22/2020): First working version to test typing a to z