Project developed from a software, with the objective of managing a Pharmacy. It consists of a back-end developed in Spring Boot – Java Micro-Services, with a connection to a PostgreSQL database, allocated in the Heroku cloud, whose transactions are carried out through an ORM (Hibernate & JPA Data), and the layer visual developed in Angular.
This application was generated using Spring Initializr, you can find documentation and help at
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data
- Spring Security
- Tomcat
- Hibernate
- Spring Websocket
- Lombok
- PostgreSQL
- Fasterxml Jackson
- Zalando - Problem
- Commons Langs
- Orika BeanMapper
This application already has included a backend structure with JWT Login, User Roles and some repositories to start our project for a client-server application. With this code you can easally start an web application without many effort.
I'm using a Postgres Database hosted on Heroku, you can must change the application.yml file to setup the credentials to our own database.
In order to help you on setup our database there is an sql file db_init.sql that you can run, that craetes the tables and some default data.
- pw_user
- authority
- user_authority (ManyToMany with pw_user and authority)
- client
- address (OneToMany with client)
- contact (OneToMany with client)