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Added cartesian and multiple sponges
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AbbBallout committed Jul 9, 2024
1 parent 5cb0348 commit 1ba9138
Showing 1 changed file with 158 additions and 55 deletions.
213 changes: 158 additions & 55 deletions Solver/src/libs/sources/SpongeClass.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
!This class represents the numerical source term as a sponge to complement BC

! 1)
! 1) Assert that radious, amplitude, ramp ... are positive

#include "Includes.h"
Module SpongeClass !
#if defined(NAVIERSTOKES) || defined (INCNS)
Expand All @@ -16,18 +21,19 @@ Module SpongeClass !

!definition of sponge class
type sponge_t
integer :: numOfSponges ! number of sponges
integer :: nElements ! number of elements in sponge region
integer :: nElementsAll ! number of elements in sponge region in all partitions
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: elementIndexMap ! map from eID of mesh to sponge arrays
real(kind=RP), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: intensity ! Intensity of the sponge in the domain, includes the amplitude and the ramp, precomputed for all elements in sponge region
real(kind=RP) :: amplitude ! amplitude of the source term
real(kind=RP) :: delta ! temporal filter width
real(kind=RP) :: rampWidth ! length of the ramp width
real(kind=RP), dimension(NDIM) :: x0 ! position of start of the sponge (for cylindrical in the center)
real(kind=RP) :: radious ! radious of the ramp zone in cylindrical/cirular sponges
real(kind=RP), dimension(:,:),allocatable :: x0 ! position of start of the sponge (for cylindrical in the center)
real(kind=RP), dimension(:), allocatable :: radious ! radious of the ramp zone in cylindrical/cirular sponges
real(kind=RP), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: Qbase ! Base flow (moving average or constant), for every variable in each GAUSS or GL node
real(kind=RP), dimension(NDIM) :: axis ! axis vector of the sponge. In cylindrical axis of the cylinder, in cartesian, the aligned vector
character(len=STRING_CONSTANT_LENGTH) :: shapeType ! shape of the sponge, either cartesian (aligned with an axis) or cylindrical
real(kind=RP), dimension(:,:) ,allocatable :: axis ! axis vector of the sponge. In cylindrical axis of the cylinder, in cartesian, the aligned vector
character(len=STRING_CONSTANT_LENGTH),dimension(:), allocatable :: shapeType ! shape of the sponge, either cartesian (aligned with an axis) or cylindrical
character(len=STRING_CONSTANT_LENGTH) :: initialFileName ! file name to load the initial base flow
character(len=STRING_CONSTANT_LENGTH) :: solutionFileName ! file name to write base flow
logical :: readBaseFLowFlag ! read base flow from file or use instantaneous Q to start
Expand All @@ -49,6 +55,15 @@ Module SpongeClass !

type(sponge_t) :: sponge

integer, parameter :: KEYWORD_LENGTH = 132
character(len=KEYWORD_LENGTH), parameter :: SPONGE_CYLINDRICAL_NAME = "cylindrical"
character(len=KEYWORD_LENGTH), parameter :: SPONGE_CARTESIAN_NAME = "cartesian"

enum, bind(C)
end enum


Expand All @@ -68,25 +83,62 @@ Subroutine spongeConstruct(self, mesh, controlVariables)
type(FTValueDictionary), intent(in) :: controlVariables

!local variables
character(len=STRING_CONSTANT_LENGTH) :: coordinates, axis, fileNameControl, solution_file, restart_name, restart_baseflow_name
character(len=STRING_CONSTANT_LENGTH) :: tmp, numOfSponges, coordinates, axis, fileNameControl, solution_file, restart_name, restart_baseflow_name
logical :: fileExists
integer :: i
logical :: useNumberedKeys !for cases where there is no number key in the control file when using a single sponge

self % isActive = .false.
if (.not. controlVariables % logicalValueForKey("use sponge")) return

self % numOfSponges = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("number of sponges",1)
self % amplitude = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("sponge amplitude",1.0_RP)
self % rampWidth = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("sponge ramp width",1.0_RP)
self % delta = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("sponge temporal width",1.0_RP)
coordinates = controlVariables % stringValueForKey("sponge start position", requestedLength = STRING_CONSTANT_LENGTH)
self % x0 = getRealArrayFromString(trim(coordinates))
self % useMovingAverage = controlVariables % logicalValueForKey("sponge use moving average")
self % radious = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("sponge radious",0.0_RP)

allocate(self % shapeType(self % numOfSponges))
allocate(self % radious(self % numOfSponges))
allocate(self % axis(self % numOfSponges,NDIM))
allocate(self % x0(self % numOfSponges,NDIM))

do i = 1, self% numOfSponges
write(tmp, '("sponge shape ",I0)') i
if (controlVariables % containsKey(trim(tmp))) then
useNumberedKeys = .true.
useNumberedKeys = .false.
write(tmp, '("sponge shape")')
end if

axis = controlVariables % stringValueForKey("sponge axis", requestedLength = STRING_CONSTANT_LENGTH)
self % axis = getRealArrayFromString(trim(axis))
! self % axis = [0,0,1]
! for now only cylindrical sponges are available, todo: cartesian
self % shapeType = trim(controlVariables % stringValueForKey("sponge shape", requestedLength = STRING_CONSTANT_LENGTH))
self % shapeType(i) = trim(controlVariables % stringValueForKey(tmp, requestedLength = STRING_CONSTANT_LENGTH))
if(self % shapeType(i) == "cylindrical") then
if (useNumberedKeys) then
write(tmp, '("sponge radious ",I0)') i
write(tmp, '("sponge radious")')
end if
self % radious(i) = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault(tmp,0.0_RP)
if (useNumberedKeys) then
write(tmp, '("sponge axis ",I0)') i
write(tmp, '("sponge axis")')
end if
axis = controlVariables % stringValueForKey(tmp, requestedLength = STRING_CONSTANT_LENGTH)
self % axis(i,:) = getRealArrayFromString(trim(axis))
!normalize axis
self % axis(i,:) = self % axis(i,:)/sqrt(sum(self % axis(i,:)**2))

if (useNumberedKeys) then
write(tmp, '("sponge start position ",I0)') i
write(tmp, '("sponge start position")')
end if
coordinates = controlVariables % stringValueForKey(tmp, requestedLength = STRING_CONSTANT_LENGTH)
self % x0(i,:) = getRealArrayFromString(trim(coordinates))
end do

! Get the file name of the solution
! ---------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,14 +170,21 @@ Subroutine spongeConstruct(self, mesh, controlVariables)
self % isActive = .true.
if ( .not. MPI_Process % isRoot ) return
call Subsection_Header("Sponge")
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,A)') "->", "Shape: ", self % shapeType
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,I0)') "->", "Number of elements: ", self % nElementsAll
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,F10.2)') "->", "Amplitude: ", self % amplitude
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,3(F10.2))') "->", "Ramp start: ", self % x0
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,F10.2)') "->", "Ramp width: ", self % rampWidth
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,F10.2)') "->", "Ramp radious: ", self % radious
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,3(F10.2))') "->", "Axis: ", self % axis
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,L1)') "->", "Use moving average: ", self % useMovingAverage
do i = 1, self% numOfSponges
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,I0)') "->", "Sponge: ", i
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,A)') "->", "Shape: ", self % shapeType(i)
if(self % shapeType(i) == "cylindrical") then
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,F10.2)') "->", "Ramp radious: ", self % radious(i)
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,3(F10.2))') "->", "Axis: ", self % axis(i,:)
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,3(F10.2))') "->", "Ramp start: ", self % x0(i,:)
end do

if (self % readBaseFLowFlag) write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,A)') "->", "Initial base flow file: ", self % initialFileName

End Subroutine spongeConstruct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,39 +217,66 @@ Subroutine creatRamp(self, mesh)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: hasSponge
integer :: i, j, k, eID, counter, spongeEID, ierr
integer, dimension(NDIM) :: Nxyz
integer :: sponge_number
integer :: whichSponge = -1

! it wont work for p-refinement or p adaption
Nxyz = mesh % elements(1) % Nxyz

allocate( xStar(0:Nxyz(1),0:Nxyz(2),0:Nxyz(3)), sigma(0:Nxyz(1),0:Nxyz(2),0:Nxyz(3)), hasSponge(mesh % no_of_elements) )
allocate(hasSponge(mesh % no_of_elements))
hasSponge = .false.
! self % elementIndexMap = 0

counter = 0
do eID = 1, mesh % no_of_elements
associate(e => mesh % elements(eID))
do k = 0, Nxyz(3) ; do j = 0, Nxyz(2) ; do i = 0, Nxyz(1)
r_vector(:) = e % geom % x(:,i,j,k) - self % x0(:)
! in this case xStar is actually rdiff ^2
xStar(i,j,k) = sum(r_vector*r_vector) - POW2(self % radious)
end do ; end do ; end do
if (any(xStar .ge. 0.0_RP)) then
hasSponge(eID) = .true.
counter = counter + 1
end if
end associate
do sponge_number=1 , self % numOfSponges

select case (self % shapeType(sponge_number))
case default
print*, "Sponge name not recognized."
error stop
end select

do eID = 1, mesh % no_of_elements
associate(e => mesh % elements(eID))
do k = 0, Nxyz(3) ; do j = 0, Nxyz(2) ; do i = 0, Nxyz(1)
r_vector(:) = e % geom % x(:,i,j,k) - self % x0(sponge_number,:)
select case (whichSponge)
! in this case xStar is actually rdiff ^2
xStar(i,j,k) = sum(r_vector*r_vector) - POW2(self % radious(sponge_number))
! in this case xstar is the distance to the plane
xStar(i,j,k) = sum(r_vector(:)*self % axis(sponge_number,:))
end select
end do ; end do ; end do
if (any(xStar .ge. 0.0_RP) .AND. .not.hasSponge(eID) ) then
hasSponge(eID) = .true.
counter = counter + 1
end if
end associate
end do
end do

self % nElements = counter
if ( (MPI_Process % doMPIAction) ) then
#ifdef _HAS_MPI_
call mpi_allreduce(self % nElements, self % nElementsAll, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call mpi_allreduce(self % nElements, self % nElementsAll, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
self % nElementsAll = self % nElements
end if

! create mapping array
allocate( self % intensity(0:Nxyz(1),0:Nxyz(2),0:Nxyz(3),self%nElements), self % elementIndexMap(self % nElements) )
allocate( self % intensity(0:Nxyz(1),0:Nxyz(2),0:Nxyz(3),self%nElements))
allocate( self % elementIndexMap(self % nElements) )
self % intensity = 0.0_RP
counter = 0
do eID = 1, mesh % no_of_elements
if (hasSponge(eID)) then
Expand All @@ -200,28 +286,45 @@ Subroutine creatRamp(self, mesh)
end do

! now calculate the ramp amplitude
do spongeEID = 1, self % nElements
eID = self % elementIndexMap(spongeEID)
sigma = 0
associate(e => mesh % elements(eID))
do k = 0, Nxyz(3) ; do j = 0, Nxyz(2) ; do i = 0, Nxyz(1)
r_vector(:) = e % geom % x(:,i,j,k) - self % x0(:)
! remove components in the axis direction
r_vector(:) = r_vector(:) - sum((e % geom % x(:,i,j,k) - self % x0(:))*self % axis(:))*self % axis(:)
! xStar is non-dimensionalized by the width of the ramp, since the difference is squared, the width is too
xStar(i,j,k) = (sum(r_vector*r_vector) - POW2(self % radious)) / POW2(self % rampWidth)
end do ; end do ; end do
end associate
! limit xStar to [0,1] since after 1 should be constant at the amplitude value
xStar = max(0.0_RP,xStar)
xStar = min(1.0_RP,xStar)
! Sponge Ramping Function, taken from Beck, A., and Munz, C.-D., Direct Aeroacoustic Simulations Based on High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes, Springer, Cham, 2018, Vol. 579
sigma = 6.0_RP*xStar**5.0_RP - 15.0_RP*xStar**4.0_RP + 10.0_RP*xStar**3.0_RP
! limit sigms <=1 since after 1 should be constant at the amplitude value
sigma = MIN(1.0_RP,sigma)
! pre computed intensity, including amplitude and ramp damping
self % intensity(:,:,:,spongeEID) = self % amplitude * sigma(:,:,:)
end do
do sponge_number=1 , self % numOfSponges

select case (self % shapeType(sponge_number))
end select

do spongeEID = 1, self % nElements
eID = self % elementIndexMap(spongeEID)
sigma = 0
associate(e => mesh % elements(eID))
do k = 0, Nxyz(3) ; do j = 0, Nxyz(2) ; do i = 0, Nxyz(1)
r_vector(:) = e % geom % x(:,i,j,k) - self % x0(sponge_number,:)
select case (whichSponge)
! remove components in the axis direction
r_vector(:) = r_vector(:) - sum((e % geom % x(:,i,j,k) - self % x0(sponge_number,:))*self % axis(sponge_number,:))*self % axis(sponge_number,:)
! xStar is non-dimensionalized by the width of the ramp, since the difference is squared, the width is too
xStar(i,j,k) = sqrt(sum(r_vector*r_vector) - POW2(self % radious(sponge_number))) / self % rampWidth
xStar(i,j,k) = sum(r_vector(:)*self % axis(sponge_number,:))/(self % rampWidth)
end select
end do ; end do ; end do
end associate
if (any(xStar .ge. 0.0_RP)) then
! limit xStar to [0,1] since after 1 should be constant at the amplitude value
xStar = max(0.0_RP,xStar)
xStar = min(1.0_RP,xStar)
! Sponge Ramping Function, taken from Beck, A., and Munz, C.-D., Direct Aeroacoustic Simulations Based on High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes, Springer, Cham, 2018, Vol. 579
sigma = 6.0_RP*xStar**5.0_RP - 15.0_RP*xStar**4.0_RP + 10.0_RP*xStar**3.0_RP
! limit sigms <=1 since after 1 should be constant at the amplitude value
sigma = MIN(1.0_RP,sigma)
! pre computed intensity, including amplitude and ramp damping
self % intensity(:,:,:,spongeEID) = max(self % intensity(:,:,:,spongeEID), self % amplitude * sigma(:,:,:))
end do
end do

deallocate(xStar, sigma, hasSponge)

Expand Down

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