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  1. KFX Library
  2. Templater Mod (feature frozen)

Part A: the karaoke utility library, karaOK


Intended usage is loading into the karatemplater with a code once line like

ln = _G.require "ln.kara"; ln.init(tenv)

The variable ln will now be a table that contains the following functions:


General usage note: Arguments can be left out by passing nil in their place, or by passing fewer than the full number of arguments to leave arguments out at the end of the list.

Note: parts of this will be out of date or outright incorrect. I'm no longer using any of this actively, so tell me if you need something fixed.

root namespace



Takes the tenv variable from the karaoke templater, to allow the library to directly read the current line and syllable and other such things. Also sets shorthands for a few functions. For example, instead of using !ln.syltime(0.3)! you can use !st(0.3)!. This should be called in a code once line right after ln = _G.require "ln.kara" to ensure that functions work properly.


shorthand only: set(var, val)

Sets variable var in the templater environment to value val.

randomize(...) <= tenv.rset(...)

ln.randomize(variable_name, min, max, override)
shorthand: rset(variable_name, min, max, override)

If a variable by variable_name doesn't already exist in the environment, or if override is true, sets variable variable_name to math.random(min, max).

syltime(...) <=

ln.syltime(p) -> number
shorthand: st(p) -> number

Returns syl.start_time + syl.duration*p, or syl.start_time if p is not provided.

syldur(...) <=

ln.syldur(p) -> number
shorthand: sd(p) -> number

Returns syl.duration*p, or syl.duration if p is not provided.

line namespace

(info about the line and tags within it)


ln.line.tag(list) -> string

Returns a string containing the first match found in the currently processed line for each of the tags listed in the list given as an argument. You can also call this with just a string defining one tag.


ln.line.tags(list) -> string

Same as above, but returns all matches for each tag. Useful for transforms.

ln.line.tags(list, true) -> table

Same as above, but returns a table with each match at a separate index.

c(...) <= tenv.gc(...)

ln.line.c(n) -> string
shorthand: gc(n) -> string

Returns a string containing either the color from the matching color tag in the line, or if that's not possible, the style's default color. n can be 1, 2, 3 or 4. Calling the function without an argument returns color 1.

a(...) <=

ln.line.a(n) -> string
shorthand: ga(n) -> string

Same as c(n), but for alpha.

style_c(...) / style_a(...)

ln.line.style_c(n) -> string
ln.line.style_a(n) -> string

Same as the two above functions, but these just always give the style's default color.


ln.line.buffers(startmin_k, endmin_k, startmin_fad, endmin_fad) -> number, number
ln.line.buffers(startmin, endmin) -> number, number

Returns durations for fade-in and fade-out effects. There are 2 ways this function can work.

  1. If there is a \fad tag present in the source line, this will return the values in that \fad tag. If these are smaller than startmin_fad/endmin_fad, startmin_fad/endmin_fad is returned instead.
  2. Otherwise, this will take the length of empty syllables at the start and end of the line. If these are smaller than startmin_k/endmin_k, startmin_k/endmin_k is returned instead.

If only 2 parameters are provided, they will be used in both of the above cases.

len_stripped() / len()

ln.line.len_stripped() -> number
ln.line.len() -> number

Each returns the unicode character length of line.text_stripped and line.text respectively. Necessary if you have kanji in your kara.

tag namespace

(tag generation and handling)


ln.tag.pos(alignment, anchorpoint, xoffset, yoffset, line_kara_mode) -> string
ln.tag.pos(table) -> string

Creates \an and \pos tags.

Calling this without arguments will set \an to whatever is the style default, and set the position to where the text would normally be. This is useful for syl/char templates.

alignment is what this sets the \an tag to. Defaults to the alignment defined in the line's style.
anchorpoint defines the alignment value used for calculating the base position. Defaults to the same as the alignment argument, or the alignment defined in the line's style. For example, anchorpoint=3 will calculate the bottom right of the text as the base position.
xoffset and yoffset are offsets applied to the default position of the text.
line_kara_mode should be true when using this with a line template, to tell the function to only generate one move tag at the start of the line.

If a table is passed as the first argument, all arguments will be read from there. The table should have keys named after the arguments here. These arguments have shorter or more easily understandable aliases that will also work:
xoffset: offset_x
yoffset: offset_y


ln.tag.move(xoff0, yoff0, xoff1, yoff1, time0, time1, alignment, anchorpoint, lsyl_mode) -> string
ln.tag.move(table) -> string

Creates \an and \move tags.

xoff0, yoff0, xoff1 and yoff1 are offsets applied to the default position of the text.
xoff0 and yoff0 define the starting position of the move. They default to 0 if not set.
xoff1 and yoff1 define the ending position of the move. They default to 0 if not set.
time0 and time1 are the times put in the \move tag and work as you'd expect. Leaving these arguments out will also leave them out of the tag, causing the move to occur over the whole duration of the line.
alignment is what this sets the \an tag to. Defaults to the alignment defined in the line's style.
anchorpoint defines the alignment value used for calculating the base position. Defaults to the same as the alignment argument, or the alignment defined in the line's style. For example, anchorpoint=3 will calculate the bottom right of the text as the base position.
lsyl_mode should be true when using this with a lsyl (or similar) template, to tell the function to only generate one move tag at the start of the line.

If a table is passed as the first argument, all arguments will be read from there. (Like named argument in e.g. Python.) The table should have keys named after the arguments here. These arguments have shorter or more easily understandable aliases that will also work:
xoff0: x_start, x0
yoff0: y_start, y0
xoff1: x_end, x1
yoff1: y_end, y1


ln.tag.t(a1, a2, a3, a4) -> string

Creates a transform tag, works exactly like simply writing out the transform tag in the templater like \t(!a1!,!a2!,!a3!,!a4!) - except it rounds the times to a sane precision. Putting in fewer variables works the same way as a transform tag too. Useful because you don't have to write as many exclamation points.


ln.tag.parse_transform(tag) -> table

Returns a table with the start time t0, end time t1, acceleration a and transformed tags tags of a transform tag.


ln.tag.mod_transform(tag, starttime_mod, endtime_mod, accel_mod, tags_mod) -> string

Makes changes to a transform tag and returns it. starttime_mod, endtime_mod and accel_mod are strings that work like this: "" symbol can be -, + or =. + and - add number to and substract number from the original value. = sets the value to number, and so does just inputting a number without a prefix. tag_mod works like this: "" symbol can once again be -, + or =. + adds string to the tag string, - deletes all instances of string from the tag string, and = or no prefix sets the tag string to string.

wave namespace

pushing the limits of ASS

Arguably the most advanced part of the library so far. Useful for shaking text, "floating" text and who knows what else. Can make pretty convincing sine waves without going completely frame-by-frame.

new() -> waveObj

waveX =

Creates a new table to store the wave function you're creating.

If given parameters, immediately calls addWave with them.


waveX.addWave(waveform, wavelength, amplitude, phase)

Adds an elementary waveform or white noise to the wave function.

waveform can be any of: "noise"/"random", "sine", "square", "triangle" and "sawtooth". If you don't know what these waves look like, google them.

wavelength is the length of one period in milliseconds. The white noise is periodic too. If you want more random noise, see the next function and use a math.random() there.

amplitude is the amplitude of the waveform. 1, for example, will get you a maximum value of 1 and a minimum value of -1. Defaults to 1 if left out.

phase is the phase shift, in periods, applied to the waveform. Negative values will delay the waveform, positive values will do the opposite. For noise, this value instead seeds the random number generator. Defaults to 0 if left out.



Adds a user defined function to the wave function. func must be a function that takes a single value, time.

Example: !waveX.addFunction(function(t) return _G.math.random()*2-1 end)! will work as noise. !waveX.addFunction(function(t) return t*t end)! will make an upwards-opening parabola.



Adds a constant value to the wave function. Shorthand for waveX.addFunction(function() return c end), convenient for centering alpha or colors in the 0..255 range.



Removes all previously registered waveforms/functions from the wave table.



Clears the wave table, then adds the corresponding component.


waveX.getValue(time) -> number

Gets the value of the wave function at time.


ln.wave.transform(wave, tags, starttime, endtime, delay, framestep, jumpToStartingPosition, dutyCycle) -> string

Creates a set of transforms according to a wave function.

wave is a wave table created as shown above.

tags is a table of strings that are the aegisub override tags to animate, for example {"fscx", "fscy"}. A single string will work too, it converts it to a list automatically and carries on. Color tags, font changes and other tags that take string values are generally not supported for obvious reasons, but alpha tags are. I might add color support at a later point in time, for animated rainbows and other silly stuff.

tags can also be a list of string and function pairs, such as {{"fscx", function(x) return -x end}, {"fscy", function(x) return x*x end}}. If functions are passed along with the tag strings, they will transform the value received from the waveform at each point in time. Useful for using the same waveform on several different tags, such as scale and shear at the same time - one takes values around 100 and the other around 0.

starttime is the time to start animating (relative to line start, like with transform tags). Can be left empty/nil to default to line start.

endtime is the time to end animating (relative to line start, like with transform tags). Can be left empty/nil to default to line end.

delay is a time value in milliseconds that the waveform is delayed by. Can be left empty/nil to default to 0.

framestep is the time in frames (assuming 23.976 fps) between generated transform tags' start times. 1 will result in the animation following the waveform exactly at normal framerates, for 60fps playback you could use 0.4 and that would work too, and sine waves still look pretty convincing with values up to 3 thanks to some creative use of the acceleration value in transform tags. However, because ASS transforms are monotonic, if the start and end times fall on either side of a peak, the wave won't reach the peak. This is usually not a problem, unless your wavelength is significantly less than 1 second. If left empty/nil, defaults to 2.

jumpToStartingPosition is a boolean value. If true, the function will generate an instant (technically 1ms) transform at starttime to jump the affected values to the correct number instantly. Without this it'll blend in a bit smoother, but might look bad in some cases. If left empty/nil, defaults to true.

dutyCycle is a number value between 0 and 1 that dictates how much of each step the transform is active. With 1, framestep values above 1 will animate smoothly, and with values near 0 they will jump to the given value near-instantly - in conjunction with a larger framestep this might be useful if you want to emulate a lower framerate to match things that are animated every second or third frame. If left empty/nil, defaults to 1.

Example of use (run on an \an5 line):

code: waveS =; waveC =;
code: waveS.addWave("sine", 1000, 40, 0); waveC.addWave("sine", 1000, 40, 0.25)
template: {\4c&H0000FF&\pos($x,$y)!ln.wave.transform(waveC, "xshad", nil, nil, 0, 3)!!ln.wave.transform(waveS, "yshad", nil, nil, 0, 3)!} {this will be jerky due to the default dutyCycle of 0.2}
template: {\4c&H00FFFF&\pos($x,$y)!ln.wave.transform(waveC, "xshad", nil, nil, 0, 3, false, nil, 1)!!ln.wave.transform(waveS, "yshad", nil, nil, 0, 3, false, nil, 1)!} {this will be smooth but not an exact circle}
template: {\4c&H00FF00&\pos($x,$y)!ln.wave.transform(waveC, "xshad", nil, nil, 0, 1, false, nil, 1)!!ln.wave.transform(waveS, "yshad", nil, nil, 0, 1, false, nil, 1)!} {this will be smooth and closer to an exact circle, pretty much perfect on ~24fps}

Try out lower framestep values on the second template line and see what happens. High values seem to make the shadow jump around on the circle, and even 3 still jumps around a tiny bit when used for going in circles like this, but 2 starts to look really convincing.

color namespace

(fancy fairy magic)

byRGB(...) <= tenv.rgb(...)

ln.color.byRGB(r,g,b) -> string
shorthand: rgb(r,g,b) -> string

Creates an ASS color value string for override tags. r, g and b are red, green and blue values between 0 and 255.

byHSL(...) <= tenv.hsl(...)

ln.color.byHSL(h,s,l) -> string
shorthand: hsl(h,s,l) -> string

Creates an ASS color value string for override tags. h, s and l are hue, saturation and lightness values between 0 and 255. The values are in this range to be consistent with Aegisub's color picker.

lumaHSL(...) <= tenv.hsy(...)

ln.color.lumaHSL(h,s,y) -> string
shorthand: hsy(h,s,y) -> string

Creates an ASS color value string for override tags. h, s and y are hue, saturation and luma values between 0 and 255. The values are in this range to be consistent with Aegisub's color picker.

This differs from the normal HSL function by preserving perceived brightness of the color between different hues. The human eye sees green as much brighter than blue, for example. TV.709 values are used.

rgb.get(...) / rgb.add(...) / hsl.get(...) / hsl.add(...)

ln.color.rgb.get(string) -> number, number, number
ln.color.rgb.add(string,r,g,b) -> number, number, number
ln.color.hsl.get(string) -> number, number, number
ln.color.hsl.add(string,h,s,l) -> number, number, number

These return either the three RGB or HSL values, and the add functions add the values you give to the numbers that are returned. HSL handles hue correctly, all values are kept within the 0-255 limits.

math namespace

clamp(...) <= tenv.clamp(...)

ln.math.clamp(value, min, max) -> number
shorthand: clamp(value, min, max) -> number

Returns min if value is below min, max if value is over max, or value otherwise. Useful for keeping a value within bounds.


ln.math.modloop(value, min, max) -> number

Returns a value that has been moved to the specified range by substracting or adding the range's width to it enough times - for example 5.6,0,1 would return 5.6-5x1=0.6, and 7,40,52 would return 7+3x12=43. As a more practical example, modloop(789,-180,180) will get you 69 which can be used to keep angles in a nice range.


ln.math.modbounce(value, min, max) -> number

Works like modloop, but every second pass over the range is mirrored so that if value is allowed to rise indefinitely, the output for that would trace a triangle wave pattern. I used this for limiting hues in gradients.


ln.math.log(base, n) -> number

Calculates base-based logarithm for n.


ln.math.sgn(n) -> number

Returns -1 for negative inputs n and 1 otherwise.


    ln.math.round(num) -> number 
    ln.math.round(num, idp) -> number 

Rounds num to idp decimal points of precision, or to integer precision if idp is omitted (or 0).

random(...) <= tenv.rnd(...)

ln.math.random() -> number
ln.math.random(max) -> number
ln.math.random(min,max) -> number
shorthand: rnd(...) -> number

Alternate random function that takes inputs like the Lua standard math.random(), but always returns a float in the given range (inclusive).

If no arguments are provided, the range is 0 to 1.

If one argument max is provided, the range is 0 to max.

If two arguments min and max are provided, the range is min to max.

The output is rounded to 4 decimals of precision.


ln.math.lerp(t, a, b)

Linearly interpolates from a to b as t goes from 0 to 1. Works with color and alpha values (given as override tag compatible strings) too.


ln.math.xerp(t, a, b, accel)

Interpolates with acceleration, should match the behaviour of \t tags.

Added shorthands

Additional shorthands:
fl(n) for math.floor(n)

shapes namespace

Functions to generate various shapes, as well as fetch some specific preset shapes, as strings.


ln.shapes.shift(shape, x, y) -> string

Shifts the given drawing x pixels right and y pixels down.


ln.shapes.rectangle(width, height) -> string

Makes a rectangle with the given width and height.


ln.shapes.roundedRectangle(width, height, radius) -> string

As above, but with rounded corners of radius radius.

circle(...), segments) -> string

Makes a properly centered approximation of a circle of radius radius. 3 segments is particularly useful, as it looks almost perfect and is harder to calculate than 4 without letting this code do the math.


ln.shapes.triangle(side) -> string

Makes an equilateral triangle with given side length. Note: The shape is centered on the center of the triangle's bounding box, not the geometric center.


ln.shapes.gear(r1, r2, r3, n, t, tt1, tt2) -> string

Makes a cogwheel shape. r1, r2 and r3 are the radii that define the size of the central circle and the length and shape of the teeth. n is the number of teeth. t is the ratio of the available space that each tooth occupies on the central circle. tt1 and tt2 control the beveling on the teeth. See the image for a better idea of what's happening. image

preset shapes

Pre-defined shapes.

Part B: the modified templater

The autoload folder in this repository contains a modified version of the vanilla karatemplater script that should be compatible with files that relied on that one, the only change required should be changing template line to template lsyl and template pre-line to template line.

I'm probably not going to make any future additions to this templater, although fixes are always a good idea. I recommend using 0x's KaraTemplater available at, since that one is actively maintained.

Keyword changes (most important, partially breaking)

pre-line is just line, line is lsyl, and there are four new keywords: lword, lchar, word, and furichar

I just thought this made sense. Naming the two new keywords would also have been difficult without this change. The new behaviors are as follows:


No longer a valid keyword.


One line is output. The template is run once per line, and the line text is appended at the end of the templater output. This is the old pre-line behavior.


One line is output. The template is run once per syllable, and the templater output is placed before each syllable in the output line. This is the old line behavior.


One line is output. The template is run once per word, and the templater output is placed before each word in the output line.


One line is output. The template is run once per character, and the templater output is placed before each character in the output line.


Each word generates a separate output line. The template is run once per word, and the word text is appended at the end of the templater output.


Each furigana character generates a separate output line. The template is run once per furigana character, and the character is appended at the end of the templater output.

Line splitting

It's now similar to NyuFX: there are word, syll and char objects.

syl is the current smallest part of the line being worked on, like in the vanilla templater. This means it's either the current character, syllable or word. To get the current syllable, use syll.

code word/char

You can use word and char with code lines.

This will run a piece of code before each word or character.

style modifier keyword

There is a style modifier that works similarly to fxgroup

For example, a template line all style romaji will run on all lines with a style name containing romaji.

character index variable ci

There is a character index variable ci.

This gives the index number of the character at the start of the current unit being processed (word, syl, char).

expanded tenv

The template execution environment has direct access to the subtitles object and additional basic Lua functions in addition to the string library, the math library, and _G.

The subtitles object is what automation scripts use to access any given line in the ASS file. This can be used in kfx to get the next or previous line, for example. For specific documentation on the subtitles object, see the Aegisub manual.

Other inclusions: the table functions, pairs, ipairs, tonumber, tostring and type.

notext and noblank work with all template types

In the vanilla templater, this is not the case. notext was a particularly annoying omission, since vector drawings for non-k-timed lines got the line text added to the end. This was harmless, but annoyed me, and could be an issue if a symbol font is used to do similar things.

line.text works properly now

The vanilla templater blanks out line.text and uses it as a buffer to generate the output line. This means the value for line.text generated by karaskel was inaccessible at least in some versions of this modified templater, and possibly the vanilla templater. I recently (later note: as of when???) fixed that.

sub-pixel inline variables

Inline variables (dollar variables) have sub-pixel precision

They have one decimal. The normal behaviour of having only whole pixels made the position values unsuitable for positioning separated parts of a line.

generate without furigana

There are two automation menu entries, one of which does not generate the furigana styles.

Furigana is only used in a subset of kanji-including kfx, so the styles are just clutter for most people.

maxloop power boost

maxloop() can now stop a line from being generated at all.

Because I thought maxloop(0) should work. Setting the maxloop variable lower than the next j will also prevent the next line from generating.


Does the same thing as the normal retime function, but also adjusts the current syllable timing. Only works and makes sense with syl, char, and furichar templates.


Aegisub KFX library






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