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🌌 valhalla is a toolkit designed to streamline the release of new versions of software. 🌌


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🌌 valhalla

🌌 valhalla is a toolkit designed to streamline the release of new versions of software. 🌌

πŸ“ background and basic concept

  • complex releasing process: Creating a new software release involves a multitude of intricate steps. This complexity often results in human errors, time wastage, and a lack of compliance with essential rules and standards.

  • manual workflow: Traditional release processes rely on manual intervention, making them prone to inefficiencies and mistakes, including configuration errors, missed details, and missteps.

  • time inefficiency: Managing releases manually can be time-consuming. Waiting for human interventions, addressing errors, and navigating through intricate procedures can lead to delays.

  • compliance challenges: Ensuring adherence to specific rules and standards is vital for software releases. However, manual processes may overlook or deviate from these guidelines, potentially causing compliance issues or security vulnerabilities.

valhalla offers an automated solution to these challenges, streamlining the software release process, minimizing errors, saving time, and promoting compliance with established regulations.

βš™οΈ configuration

  • create valhalla.yml in your project (check out examples)
# This file is used by valhalla tool to create release 🌌
# Visit and leave a star 🌟
# More info about configuration you can find ⬅️
extends: # You can extend any file from URL! This helps keep configuration in one place!

# Define custom variables which can be used in any string with {}
  MY_VARIABLE: Some value
git_host: gitlab # your project ci provider, supported [gitlab]  

# define actions which have to happen before release and output should be committed
  enabled: True # if this is True commands from before will be performed and committed to branch
  username: Test1234 # git config username
  email: # git config email
  msg: Releasing version {VERSION} # commit message, you can use string predefined variables
  before: # list of bash commands, you can use string predefined variables, custom variables or system environment variables!
    - echo "test" >
    - mkdir -p changelog/v{VERSION}
    - echo "Super release description for tests generated at {CI_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP}" > changelog/v{VERSION}/

# definition of release which will be created
  name: "Release {VERSION}" # optional filed, you can use string predefined variables (default name is VERSION)
    # bash command with will be executed and output will be used as 
    # release description, you can use string predefined variables
    from_command: "cat changelog/v{VERSION}/"
    - Main
  assets: #
      - name: Documentation # you can use string predefined variables
        url:{VERSION} # you can use string predefined variables
        link_type: other # The type of the link: other, runbook, image, package.
      - name: Docker Image # you can use string predefined variables
        url:{VERSION} # you can use string predefined variables
        link_type: image # The type of the link: other, runbook, image, package.
# definition of tag which will be created
  name: "Tag {VERSION}" # optional filed, you can use string predefined variables (default name is VERSION) 
# define actions which have to happen after release and output should be committed
  enabled: True
  username: Test1234
  msg: Preparation for next development cycle
    - echo "test" >

# define merge request from release breach to your default 
# branch with changes from commit_before_release and commit_after_release
  enabled: True # if this is True merge request will be created
  target_branch: hotfix-{VERSION} # optional property (default branch if empty) defining target branch for merge/pull request. Supports regexp
  title: Releasing version {VERSION} and preparation for next development cycle # you can use string predefined variables
  description: Hello world! I have just released {VERSION} # optional filed, you can use string predefined variables
    - peter.zmilczak # usernames which will be reviews of created MR
    - some_unknown_nick # if username cannot be found you can check logs
  • Create access token and pass it to CI as environment variable VALHALLA_TOKEN
  • Update or CI/CD scripts to use valhalla (see below for examples)
  • Update your .gitignore ! see link

πŸ”Έ usage

by branch:

  1. Create branch release-X.X.X where X.X.X is a name of the version that is going to be released. You can also use extensions like release-2.10.4-RC. To use different release kind use f.e. release-hotfix-X.X.X.
  2. Valhalla will do everything for you πŸš€

by VALHALLA_RELEASE_CMD env variable:

  1. Set VALHALLA_RELEASE_CMD env variable to release-X.X.X where X.X.X is a name of the version that is going to be released. You can also use extensions like release-2.10.4-RC. To use different release kind use f.e. release-hotfix-X.X.X.
  2. Valhalla will do everything for you πŸš€

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ‘¦πŸ» inheritance

To simplify managing multimple repositories, you can use extends: keyword.


You can point to any URL that is valhalla.yml format, and it will be loaded and then override by values from current file. Currently, you can only inherit once and from one URL, so it means if you inherit from a file, that also contains extends keyword, it won't be evaluated.

πŸ”€ many use cases at once! (different release kinds)

valhalla supports different use cases. F.e. you want to have ability to create minor release and hotfix but these processes have different steps. You can do it!

What you have to do is to define 2 files:

  • valhalla.yml
  • valhalla-hotfix.yml

And now, when you want to start one of this process:

  • to create minor release using valhalla.yml create branch matching regex: release-*
  • to create hotfix release using valhalla-hotfix.yml create branch matching regex: release-hotfix-*

This is only example, and you can define any suffix, f.e valhalla-super-release.yml needs branch release-super-release-*

You can only define f.e. valhalla-minor.yml and you do not need valhalla.yml, but your branches name triggering release must meet convention

πŸ”’ variables

Use {} to evaluate variable to value f.e. {FOOBAR}

hierarchy (from most important):

  • predefined variables
  • custom variables
  • environment variables

So, if there is predefined variable, you cannot override it or if same variable exists in environment, the value always will be as in predefined. If you define your custom variable and the same exists in environment, the value will be as defined by you. This hierarchy protects valhalla from errors and gives ability to extends and override values in custom use cases.

πŸ–– predefined variables

Use {} to evaluate variable to value f.e. {VERSION}

name description
VERSION value extracted from branch name or VALHALLA_RELEASE_CMD, for release-1.2.14 it will be 1.2.14
VERSION_MAJOR value extracted from branch name or VALHALLA_RELEASE_CMD, for release-1.2.14 it will be 1
VERSION_MINOR value extracted from branch name or VALHALLA_RELEASE_CMD, for release-1.2.14 it will be 2
VERSION_PATCH value extracted from branch name or VALHALLA_RELEASE_CMD, for release-1.2.14 it will be 14
VERSION_SLUG value extracted from branch name or VALHALLA_RELEASE_CMD and with everything except 0-9 and a-z replaced with -. No leading / trailing -,
for release-1.2.14 it will be 1-2-14. Use in URLs, host names, domain names and file names
VALHALLA_TOKEN token passed to CI runner which execute this job

🏭 custom variables

You can define custom variables which can be used by defining them in strings using {}

  MY_VARIABLE: Some value

  enabled: True
  title: Releasing version {VERSION} and preparation for next development cycle {MY_VARIABLE}

It is really useful with extends mechanism, f.e. define general template with variables which will be overriden in child valhalla.yml.

πŸ› environment variables

Valhalla allows you to use any variable defined in your environment system, it is useful f.e when you are using GitLab CI/CD and you want to use GitLab CI/CD predefined variables in your valhalla.yml.

Use {} to evaluate variable to value f.e. {HOME}

🦊 .gitlab-ci.yml

  • if using GitLab workflows for merge requests workflow (link) you have to add if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^release-*/ && $CI_COMMIT_TITLE !~ /.*VALHALLA SKIP.*/ to global workflow configuration
# Modify your workflow rules to include rule to start pipeline for branch starting with name 
# release- and exclude commits with VALHALLA SKIP (when valhalla commits files we don't want to start pipeline again)
  # .... your standard workflows here
  - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^release-*/ && $CI_COMMIT_TITLE !~ /.*VALHALLA SKIP.*/
  - if: $VALHALLA_RELEASE_CMD =~ /^release-*/ && $CI_COMMIT_TITLE !~ /.*VALHALLA SKIP.*/

# add new stage
  # .... your standard stages here
  - release

  stage: release
  image: logchange/valhalla:1.6.2
  # Prevent from fetching artifacts because it is a problem during committing all files (git add .)
  dependencies: [ ]
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
      when: never
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"
      when: never
    # we run the job only for branch with name release-
    # and for commits that DOES NOT include VALHALLA SKIP
    # valhalla during committing adds [VALHALLA SKIP] at the end of commit msg
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^release-*/ && $CI_COMMIT_TITLE !~ /.*VALHALLA SKIP.*/
    # we run the job when VALHALLA_RELEASE_CMD env variable is present and has name release-
    # and for commits that DOES NOT include VALHALLA SKIP
    # valhalla during committing adds [VALHALLA SKIP] at the end of commit msg
    - if: $VALHALLA_RELEASE_CMD =~ /^release-*/ && $CI_COMMIT_TITLE !~ /.*VALHALLA SKIP.*/

🚧 .gitignore

Add to your .gitignore following rules, please create issue if valhalla commits to many files! (For GitLab CI/CD add dependencies: [] which will prevent from committing generated files)

It is important to modify your .gitignore when valhalla during commit_before_release or commit_after_release phase generates files which you don't want to commit (f.e. maven release plugin or maven version plugin generates pom.xml backup - for mvn version you can also use -DgenerateBackupPoms=false)

### Valhalla ###


🌌 valhalla is a toolkit designed to streamline the release of new versions of software. 🌌







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