The mod manager is a client for Basically, it downloads PSO2 mods and installs them into the game.
The code isn't exactly great because I've (Rupikachu) been using it as a kitchen sink, trying the stuff "new things" that C# has that I can't usually use in Unity.
Note: While I am part of Arks Layer, this is not an Arks Layer project, and Arks Layer doesn't endorse modding in any kind of way. Also remember that modding PSO2 is against the game TOS and could get you banned.
You can get the latest version of the binary from here
This is a list of upcoming features in no specific order:
- Big UI changes see and download mods from the manager.
- Download the ICE file from patch server when the backup directory is missing any ice file.
- Local mods (basically open a zip with a mod without having to upload it to PSO2Mod)
- Advanced mod formats (check this thread)
- Download a mod automatically by clicking a link on the site instead of copypasing the url
- As with the site, Japanese localization.