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Redirect clear HTTP requests to HTTPS, both using the same port for Fastify

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This plugin redirect all requests that come to the port where Fastify listen, if the query if in http, and send back a 301 Moved Permanently to the same port, same hostname, but this time with https.

It works with http/2 if configured (for https only), or http/1 if not enabled.



npm i fastify-http2https


All options in https is literally passed to https.createServer or http2.createSecureServer.



  • http it’s a boolean that indicate if it need to respond to http like https:

    • true respond with Fastify, the same way that https is configured
    • false (default) redirect or possibility to specify a custom handler
  • handler can be used to specify a custom handler for http requests. The callback used is:

    // Example
    function (req, res) {
      res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"})
      res.write("Hello World!")

    With req a Node http.IncomingMessage and res a http.ServerResponse.


Typical options

  https: {
    cert: readFileSync(__dirname + "/cert.pem"),
    key: readFileSync(__dirname + "/key.pem")
  serverFactory: require("fastify-http2https")()


Typical options

  http2: true,
  https: {
    allowHTTP1: true, // fallback support for HTTP1, not needed
    cert: readFileSync(__dirname + "/cert.pem"),
    key: readFileSync(__dirname + "/key.pem")
  serverFactory: require("fastify-http2https")()

Full exemple


const http2https = require("fastify-http2https")
const fastify = require("fastify")

// Send Hello World! on HTTP, work normally on HTTPS
const http2httpsOptionsHelloWorld = {
  handler: function(req, res) {
    res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"})
    res.write("Hello World!")

// Send fastify's response over HTTP and HTTPS
const http2httpsOptionsHttpToo = {
  http: true

// Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
const http2httpsOptionsRedirect = {} // or {http: false}

const app = fastify({
  http2: true,
  https: {
    allowHTTP1: true, // fallback support for HTTP1
    cert: readFileSync(__dirname + "/cert.pem"),
    key: readFileSync(__dirname + "/key.pem")
  serverFactory: http2https(
    // http2httpsOptionsRedirect
    // http2httpsOptionsHttpToo
    // http2httpsOptionsHelloWorld

app.get("/", function (request, reply) {
  reply.send({hello: "https"})

app.listen(3000, function (err, address) {
  if (err) {
    throw err
  }"server listening on " + address)


  • Using nothing (default) or http2httpsOptionsRedirect

    Now, all requests to http://localhost:3000/some/thing?or=not are regirected to http://localhost:3000/some/thing?or=not with a 301 Moved Permanently.

  • Using http2httpsOptionsHttpToo

    Both HTTP and HTTPS send the same, work with Fastify instance, all without any redirection.

  • Using http2httpsOptionsHelloWorld

    To respond to HTTP requests, the user's define callback will be used. HTTPS is responded by Fastify. `

Test coverage

This extension has 100% coverage, both in TypeScrypt and JavaScript


You can try it yourself using npm run benchmark

Classic, Fastify without extension, but HTTPS only

 Running 5s test @ https://localhost:3000/
 100 connections with 10 pipelining factor

 │ Stat    │ 2.5% │ 50%  │ 97.5% │ 99%   │ Avg     │ Stdev   │ Max      │
 │ Latency │ 0 ms │ 0 ms │ 29 ms │ 35 ms │ 4.14 ms │ 26.5 ms │ 974.2 ms │
 │ Stat      │ 1%     │ 2.5%   │ 50%     │ 97.5%  │ Avg     │ Stdev    │ Min    │
 │ Req/Sec   │ 1559   │ 1559   │ 29423   │ 31695  │ 23767.8 │ 11409.48 │ 1559   │
 │ Bytes/Sec │ 256 kB │ 256 kB │ 4.83 MB │ 5.2 MB │ 3.9 MB  │ 1.87 MB  │ 256 kB │

 Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second.

 119k requests in 5.13s, 19.5 MB read

With extension enabled, but with HTTPS only

 Running 5s test @ https://localhost:3000/
 100 connections with 10 pipelining factor

 │ Stat    │ 2.5% │ 50%  │ 97.5% │ 99%   │ Avg     │ Stdev    │ Max       │
 │ Latency │ 0 ms │ 0 ms │ 30 ms │ 37 ms │ 4.26 ms │ 27.62 ms │ 987.77 ms │
 │ Stat      │ 1%     │ 2.5%   │ 50%     │ 97.5%   │ Avg     │ Stdev    │ Min    │
 │ Req/Sec   │ 1351   │ 1351   │ 28415   │ 30575   │ 23140.6 │ 11063.46 │ 1351   │
 │ Bytes/Sec │ 222 kB │ 222 kB │ 4.66 MB │ 5.01 MB │ 3.79 MB │ 1.81 MB  │ 222 kB │

 Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second.

 116k requests in 5.15s, 19 MB read


Redirect clear HTTP requests to HTTPS, both using the same port for Fastify






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