Most view-components of current web apps ...
- ... impede the collaboration between designers and developers
- ... make it difficult for designers to contribute in the same way as developers
- ... hinder designers to leverage their skills
Example: No collaboration on the same artifacts
<#if ((products?size % (columns * 2) > 0 && products?size %
(columns * 2) <= columns - 1 )) && menuProperties?? &&
<a href="/product">Product</a>
(isRowEven || (isRowUneven && (!menuProperties?? ||
!showBanner))) && product_has_next>
<hr class="line"/>
Example: "React makes it easy for designers to contribute." That is wishful thinking.
class Clock extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {date: new Date()};
componentDidMount() {
this.timerID = setInterval(() => this.tick(), 1000);
componentWillUnmount() {
tick() {
this.setState({date: new Date()});
render() {
return (
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
<h2>It is {this.state.date.toTimeString()}.</h2>
Example: Visual verification impossible
<div ng-app=""
<p>Looping with ng-repeat:</p>
<li ng-repeat="x in vals">
{{ x }}
- without running server
- or shipping test data
- (plus [underpowered templates](http://2013.jsconf.eu/speakers/pete-hunt-react-rethinking-best-practices.html))
"I am a full stack developer, I do not need a dedicated designer."
- Being excellent on all levels is really hard.
- A bounded context is still beneficial.
"Designers can hand over mockups or concept art and developers implement them."
- In this way, designers produce throw away artifacts.
- Designers could instead iterate directly in HTML and get feedback immediately.
- This kind of collaboration will boost misunderstandings.
"This is not a problem in our project, since we automated all the moving parts. All designers only have to install docker, set the right flags, pull the image, start the container, install npm, gulp, webpack, babel, yarn, react, redux ..."
- Every additional tool makes the whole development process a little more brittle.
- Development should simplify the design process, not complicate it.
- Write static, pure HTML files.
- Any dynamic parts are represented by placeholders.
- Add all elements that are displayed eventually.
- Transformations of the DOM with the actual values, depending on the app state, are either applied on the server or on the client-side.
Local static html file for large displays
Same html file for small displays
transform :: [Selector] -> (AppState -> DOM -> DOM) -> DOM -> DOM
This example uses alive, a selector-based (à la CSS) templating library for Clojure and ClojureScript
(me.lomin.alive.macros/deftemplate evermento-html
(me.lomin.alive.macros/import-id id#memo-container)
(me.lomin.alive.macros/import-class _subcontainer)
(me.lomin.alive.macros/import-class _answer)
(def page-container
(defn get-attrs [node]
(comment A hiccup structure looks like this:
[:a {:href "http://github.com"} "GitHub"])
(second node))
(defn select-container [container id]
[_subcontainer #(= id (:id (get-attrs %)))]
(me.lomin.alive/replace-content [])
(defn render-answer [node]
(let [change-visibility (if (show-answer?)
(->> node
(alive/replace-content [(get-answer)])
(change-visibility "hidden"))))
[id#memo-container _answer]
(select-container page-container "main-container"))
- Flexible: Designers can use any tools they like and are used to
- Simple: No sophisticated build chain, preprocessors, etc. necessary
- Powerful: Developers can use the full expressiveness of their language
- Testable: Easy to unit test
(deftest ^:unit render-answer-test
(let [answer
[evermento/id#memo-container evermento/_answer]
(testing "show answer"
(evermento/assoc-in* [:show-answer] true)
(evermento/assoc-in* [:answer] "A test answer.")
(is (= [:div {:class "answer"} "A test answer."]
(testing "do not show answer"
(evermento/assoc-in* [:show-answer] false)
(is (= [:div {:class "answer hidden"} "A test answer."]
[me.lomin/alive "0.1.0"]