diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c7d67e0..c9878b7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ The following are results deployed on Geant Val so far. A copy of the used confi
| CALICESiWTB | Reproduce data | Reproduce analysis | Comments |
| ------------- | ---------- | ----------- | ----------- |
+| v1.2
Dataset #1 tag 1.2_1
(Geant4.11.2.p01 FTFP_BERT(+tune1,2,3), FTFP_INCLXX, QGSP_BERT)
Added on 10/4/2024
| python mc-config-generator.py submit -t CALICESiWTB -d OUTPUT -v version -q "testmatch" -r | python mc-config-generator.py parse -t CALICESiWTB -d OUTPUT | Produced with new el9 machines on lxplus. |
| v1.1
Dataset #1 tag 1.1_1
(Geant4.11.1.p01 FTFP_BERT(+tune_1,2,3), FTFP_INCLXX, QGSP_BERT)
Added on 3/5/2023
| python mc-config-generator.py submit -t CALICESiWTB -d OUTPUT -v version -q "testmatch" -r | python mc-config-generator.py parse -t CALICESiWTB -d OUTPUT | Nothing. |
| v1.0
Dataset #2 tag 1.0_2
(Geant4.10.06.p03, Geant4.10.5.p01, Geant4.10.4.p01, CALICESiWTB v1.0, FTFP_BERT, FTFP_INCLXX, QGSP_BERT)
Added on 16/4/2022
| python mc-config-generator.py submit -t CALICESiWTB -d OUTPUT -v version -q "testmatch" -r | python mc-config-generator.py parse -t CALICESiWTB -d OUTPUT | Results for three Geant4 versions, three physics list. Results for 10.5.p01 and 10.4.p01 obtained in single thread mode.|
| v1.0
Dataset #1 tag 1.0_1
Added on 14/4/2022
| python mc-config-generator.py submit -t CALICESiWTB -d OUTPUT -v 10.7.p03 -q "testmatch" -r | python mc-config-generator.py parse -t CALICESiWTB -d OUTPUT | Results for one Geant4 versions, three physics list. Results for experiment included as well, use last parser part for it.|
diff --git a/geantval_scripts/CALICESiWTB/params.conf b/geantval_scripts/CALICESiWTB/params.conf
index 41015be..509ca82 100644
--- a/geantval_scripts/CALICESiWTB/params.conf
+++ b/geantval_scripts/CALICESiWTB/params.conf
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
pi- | 2 | PHYSLIST | 100000
diff --git a/geantval_scripts/CALICESiWTB/parser.py b/geantval_scripts/CALICESiWTB/parser.py
index 771c1d0..e0e024f 100644
--- a/geantval_scripts/CALICESiWTB/parser.py
+++ b/geantval_scripts/CALICESiWTB/parser.py
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
def GetObservables(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
- line = f.readline()
+ line = f.readline()
listline = line.split()
listfloat = [float(x) for x in listline]
return listfloat
def GetDataObservables(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
- line = f.readlines()
+ line = f.readlines()
listline = line[0].split()
listfloat = [float(x) for x in listline]
listlineerror = line[1].split()
@@ -38,121 +38,122 @@ class Test(BaseParser):
def parse(self, jobs):
- ordenergies = [2,4,6,8,10]
- common_data = []
- common_json = []
+ ordenergies = [2,4,6,8,10]
+ common_data = []
+ common_json = []
- xpseudolayer_values = [x for x in range(0,53)]
+ xpseudolayer_values = [x for x in range(0,53)]
xlayer_values = [x for x in range(0,23)]
- ystaterrorMC_pseudolayer = [0. for x in range(0,53)]
- ystaterrorMC_layer = [0. for x in range(0,23)]
- #Prepare jobs for analysis
- #
- energies = [float(x["ENERGY"]) for x in jobs]
- files = [os.path.join(x["path"],"CALICESiWTBout.root") for x in jobs]
- print "Found "+ str(len(jobs)) + " jobs with energies (GeV): " + str(energies) + " ,physlist: " + str(set([x["PHYSLIST"] for x in jobs]))
- #longitudinal profiles analysis
- #
- print "Running longitudinal profiles analysis"
- for counter,energy in enumerate(ordenergies):
- #Find job with corresponding energy
- job = [x for x in jobs if int(x["ENERGY"])==energy][0]
- path = job["path"]
- #infile = TFile.Open(os.path.join(job["path"],"CALICESiWTBout.root"))
- root_command = "cd " + job["path"] + ";root -l 'MyLongitudinalPlots.C(" + str(counter) + "," + "\"CALICESiWTBout.root\")'"
- #print root_command
- os.system(root_command)
- yenergy_values = GetObservables(path+"/"+str(energy)+"GeVenergy.txt")
- yhit_values = GetObservables(path+"/"+str(energy)+"GeVhit.txt")
- print "--->energy values: " + str(yenergy_values) + " ,physlist: " + str(set([x["PHYSLIST"] for x in jobs]))
- print "--->hit values: " + str(yhit_values) + " ,physlist: " + str(set([x["PHYSLIST"] for x in jobs]))
+ ystaterrorMC_pseudolayer = [0. for x in range(0,53)]
+ ystaterrorMC_layer = [0. for x in range(0,23)]
+ #Prepare jobs for analysis
+ #
+ energies = [float(x["ENERGY"]) for x in jobs]
+ files = [os.path.join(x["path"],"CALICESiWTBout.root") for x in jobs]
+ print("Found "+ str(len(jobs)) + " jobs with energies (GeV): " + str(energies) + " ,physlist: " + str(set([x["PHYSLIST"] for x in jobs])))
+ #longitudinal profiles analysis
+ #
+ print("Running longitudinal profiles analysis")
+ for counter,energy in enumerate(ordenergies):
+ #Find job with corresponding energy
+ job = [x for x in jobs if int(x["ENERGY"])==energy][0]
+ path = job["path"]
+ #infile = TFile.Open(os.path.join(job["path"],"CALICESiWTBout.root"))
+ root_command = "cd " + job["path"] + ";root -l 'MyLongitudinalPlots.C(" + str(counter) + "," + "\"CALICESiWTBout.root\")'"
+ #print root_command
+ os.system(root_command)
+ yenergy_values = GetObservables(path+"/"+str(energy)+"GeVenergy.txt")
+ yhit_values = GetObservables(path+"/"+str(energy)+"GeVhit.txt")
+ print("--->energy values: " + str(yenergy_values) + " ,physlist: " + str(set([x["PHYSLIST"] for x in jobs])))
+ print("--->hit values: " + str(yhit_values) + " ,physlist: " + str(set([x["PHYSLIST"] for x in jobs])))
- #Create JSON output files for energy (graph)
- #
- yield getJSON(jobs[0], "chart",
- mctool_name="GEANT4",
- mctool_model=jobs[0]["PHYSLIST"],
- observableName="energy per layer",
- #secondaryParticle="e-",
- beamParticle=job["PARTICLE"],
- targetName="CALICE-SiW",
- beamEnergies=[energy],
+ #Create JSON output files for energy (graph)
+ #
+ yield getJSON(jobs[0], "chart",
+ mctool_name="GEANT4",
+ mctool_model=jobs[0]["PHYSLIST"],
+ observableName="energy per layer",
+ #secondaryParticle="e-",
+ beamParticle=job["PARTICLE"],
+ targetName="CALICE-SiW",
+ beamEnergies=[energy],
title="Energy per layer (pi-)",
xAxisName="Shower depth [pseudolayer]",
yAxisName="Erec/pseudolayer [MIP]",
- yStatErrorsMinus=ystaterrorMC_pseudolayer,
- yStatErrorsPlus=ystaterrorMC_pseudolayer
+ yStatErrorsMinus=ystaterrorMC_pseudolayer,
+ yStatErrorsPlus=ystaterrorMC_pseudolayer
- #Create JSON output files for hit (graph)
- #
- yield getJSON(jobs[0], "chart",
- mctool_name="GEANT4",
- mctool_model=jobs[0]["PHYSLIST"],
- observableName="hit per layer",
- #secondaryParticle="e-",
- beamParticle=job["PARTICLE"],
- targetName="CALICE-SiW",
- beamEnergies=[energy],
+ #Create JSON output files for hit (graph)
+ #
+ yield getJSON(jobs[0], "chart",
+ mctool_name="GEANT4",
+ mctool_model=jobs[0]["PHYSLIST"],
+ observableName="hit per layer",
+ #secondaryParticle="e-",
+ beamParticle=job["PARTICLE"],
+ targetName="CALICE-SiW",
+ beamEnergies=[energy],
title="Hit per layer (pi-)",
xAxisName="Shower depth [layer]",
yAxisName="Entries (normalised to unity)",
- yStatErrorsMinus=ystaterrorMC_layer,
- yStatErrorsPlus=ystaterrorMC_layer
+ yStatErrorsMinus=ystaterrorMC_layer,
+ yStatErrorsPlus=ystaterrorMC_layer
- #Part for data json creation (extract FTFP_BERT phys list jobs)
- '''
- if str(jobs[0]["PHYSLIST"])=="FTFP_BERT":
- y_energy_data, y_energy_data_error = GetDataObservables(path+"/"+str(energy)+"GeVenergydata.txt")
- y_hit_data, y_hit_data_error = GetDataObservables(path+"/"+str(energy)+"GeVhitdata.txt")
- #Create JSON output files for energy (graph)
- #
- yield getJSON(jobs[0], "chart",
- mctool_name="experiment",
- mctool_model="experiment",
- mctool_version="experiment",
- testName="experiment",
- inspireId=1330291,
- observableName="energy per layer",
- #secondaryParticle="e-",
- beamParticle="pi-",
- targetName="CALICE-SiW",
- beamEnergies=[energy],
+ #Part for data json creation (extract FTFP_BERT phys list jobs)
+ '''
+ if str(jobs[0]["PHYSLIST"])=="FTFP_BERT":
+ y_energy_data, y_energy_data_error = GetDataObservables(path+"/"+str(energy)+"GeVenergydata.txt")
+ y_hit_data, y_hit_data_error = GetDataObservables(path+"/"+str(energy)+"GeVhitdata.txt")
+ #Create JSON output files for energy (graph)
+ #
+ yield getJSON(jobs[0], "chart",
+ mctool_name="experiment",
+ mctool_model="experiment",
+ mctool_version="experiment",
+ testName="experiment",
+ inspireId=1330291,
+ observableName="energy per layer",
+ #secondaryParticle="e-",
+ beamParticle="pi-",
+ targetName="CALICE-SiW",
+ beamEnergies=[energy],
title="Energy per layer (pi-)",
xAxisName="Shower depth [pseudolayer]",
yAxisName="Erec/pseudolayer [MIP]",
- yStatErrorsMinus=y_energy_data_error,
- yStatErrorsPlus=y_energy_data_error
+ yStatErrorsMinus=y_energy_data_error,
+ yStatErrorsPlus=y_energy_data_error
- #Create JSON output files for hit (graph)
- #
- yield getJSON(jobs[0], "chart",
- mctool_name="experiment",
- mctool_model="experiment",
- mctool_version="experiment",
- testName="experiment",
- inspireId=1330291,
- observableName="hit per layer",
- #secondaryParticle="e-",
- beamParticle="pi-",
- targetName="CALICE-SiW",
- beamEnergies=[energy],
+ #Create JSON output files for hit (graph)
+ #
+ yield getJSON(jobs[0], "chart",
+ mctool_name="experiment",
+ mctool_model="experiment",
+ mctool_version="experiment",
+ testName="experiment",
+ inspireId=1330291,
+ observableName="hit per layer",
+ #secondaryParticle="e-",
+ beamParticle="pi-",
+ targetName="CALICE-SiW",
+ beamEnergies=[energy],
title="Hit per layer (pi-)",
xAxisName="Shower depth [layer]",
yAxisName="Entries (normalised to unity)",
- yStatErrorsMinus=y_hit_data_error,
- yStatErrorsPlus=y_hit_data_error
+ yStatErrorsMinus=y_hit_data_error,
+ yStatErrorsPlus=y_hit_data_error
- '''
+ '''
diff --git a/geantval_scripts/configs/11.2.p01.sh b/geantval_scripts/configs/11.2.p01.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f22c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geantval_scripts/configs/11.2.p01.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+export G4GCC_VERSION="12"
+export G4GCC_PLATFORM="x86_64-el9-gcc12-opt"
+export GEANT4_VERSION="11.2"
+export GEANT4_PLATFORM="x86_64-el9-gcc12-optdeb-MT"
+export GCC_VERSION="12"
+export GCC_PLATFORM="x86_64-el9-gcc12-opt"
+source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/contrib/gcc/${G4GCC_VERSION}/${G4GCC_PLATFORM}/setup.sh
+source /cvmfs/geant4.cern.ch/geant4/${GEANT4_VERSION}/${GEANT4_PLATFORM}/bin/geant4.sh
+source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/contrib/gcc/${GCC_VERSION}/${GCC_PLATFORM}/setup.sh
+# Test path
+# Geant Val exports
diff --git a/scripts/CALICESiWTB_lxplus_11.2.sh b/scripts/CALICESiWTB_lxplus_11.2.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecd3de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/CALICESiWTB_lxplus_11.2.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/contrib/gcc/12/x86_64-el9-gcc12-opt/setup.sh
+source /cvmfs/geant4.cern.ch/geant4/11.2.p01/x86_64-el9-gcc12-optdeb-MT/CMake-setup.sh
+export CXX=`which g++`
+export CC=`which gcc`
+cmake3 -DGeant4_DIR=/cvmfs/geant4.cern.ch/geant4/11.2.p01/x86_64-el9-gcc12-optdeb-MT/lib64/Geant4-11.2.1/ ../CALICESiWTB/
+make -j$(nproc)