This is the README for the Tamarin files associated with my thesis "Formal Analysis and Applications of Direct Anonymous Attestation".
To run these files, you will need the Tamarin Prover tool installed,
git hash 44d5ecbc2097ee99a22a01876e445047f2a31c54
or later, and
its dependencies.
Please follow the instructions within the Tamarin Manual (link).
To run the verification on the models navigate to the folder containing the TAMARIN models (*.spthy):
- Load the models in the GUI mode and run the proofs yourself.
$ tamarin-prover interactive .
and then point your browser to http://localhost:3001/.
- To run the autoprover from the terminal without loading the GUI. Note, this will need to be done for each model. Run the following command
$ tamarin-prover --prove ./path/to/model.spthy