In this repository we provide numerical simulations to investigate the basins of attractions of the Hopfield Model.
In the Hopfield Model we're able to store M binary (and also continuous in the Modern version) patterns, i.e. a configuration of neurons
The energy minimization is performed exploiting the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm.
In particular, given a configuration
- select a random spin;
- if the energy variation related to the flip is
$< 0$ we accept the flip; otherwise we accept the flip only with probability given by$exp(-\beta \Delta E )$ , where$\Delta E$ is the change in energy and$\beta$ is the inverse of the temperature; - repeat N times.
The situation is slightly different for the Modern Hopfield model.
One important question related to the basins of attractions of the Hopfield Model is: how much can we perturb a pattern in order to be able to reconstruct it?
For details see Standard_Hopfield/Critical Noise
and Modern Hopfield/Critical Noise
If we are provided with a coupling matrix Standard Hopfield/Matrix Factorization