OpenFAST module to enable real-time communication with the solver at runtime.
Main functionalities:
- Control(s) override, blades angles, generator torque and yaw momentum predisposition (in alternative to ROSCO)
- Wind Flow, exploiting Inflow Wind in uniform mode, it is possible to change flow experienced by the wind turbine in both magnitude and direction (per each direction) plus the VelGust variable$^*$
- Any Fast output is available to be broadcasted
The main dependencies for both the Fortran/C side and the relevant Python interactor are:
: C JSON interface. Used to compact messages, easing unpacking across different languages (
: engine of the message-passing communications. (apt-get install libzmq3-dev
Python dependencies:
: used to generate interactive plots as new data is availablezmq
: used to send/receive messages from the other end of the socket (from FAST).
The Farm extension provides the broadcast protocol, in which each turbine streams its current states and relevant outputs (set-up in the main .fst
file of each).
While possible to ovverride values also on the control-side, it is adivised to use the ROSCO supercontroller ZMQ example, as the SuperController of Farm is
going to be discontinued in the upcoming version.