This is a mini application called Topic reactions , i made it as a test to join the five points Team , and it contain authentification module (Login / register ) and after user get Logged in he/She view the list of topics created by other users or add a new one by typing the title and the description , and also he can rate or vote for the topics by clicking on the Like / Dislike buttons that include a small algorithme that to calculate the percentage of Likes and dISLIKES at the level of each subject or topic .
- Clone the Main branch
- Go to Client directory by typing "cd Back_nodeJS" and run "npm install"
- Go to Server directory by typing "cd front_reactjs" and run "npm install"
- Run "npm start" in the server directory
- Run "npm start" in the client directory
- Go to http://localhost:3000 and Enjoy ;)
- React Js
- Node Js
- Express Js
- Mongo Db
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