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+ "name": "EPCIS Examples - 2.0",
+ "description": "# Introduction\nWhat does your API do?\n\n# Overview\nThings that the developers should know about\n\n# Authentication\nWhat is the preferred way of using the API?\n\n# Error Codes\nWhat errors and status codes can a user expect?\n\n# Rate limit\nIs there a limit to the number of requests an user can send?",
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/FasTnT.Domain/Constants.cs b/src/FasTnT.Domain/Constants.cs
index 5a24e6a7..f862d22b 100644
--- a/src/FasTnT.Domain/Constants.cs
+++ b/src/FasTnT.Domain/Constants.cs
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ public sealed class Constants
public int MaxEventsCapturePerCall { get; init; } = 500;
public int MaxEventsReturnedInQuery { get; init; } = 20_000;
- public string VendorVersion { get; init; } = "2.3.0";
+ public string VendorVersion { get; init; } = "2.3.1";