This program takes in a csv generated Relationship Matrix and outputs the top ten seating arrangements. This program uses the concept of annealing to traverse through 100, 1000, or 10000 random combinations (which can be set through the granularity option).
python guest_matrix.csv
(Or whatever the name of the csv file is that contains the relationship matrix)
Two prompts will come up.
- The first will ask how many people are seated per table. See Assumptions Made for more details.
- The second will ask for the granularity of the program to run.
- A blank value will represent the default value. 100 iterations are run.
- 1 will denote "fine" granularity. 1000 iterations are run.
- 2 will denote "super fine" granularity. 10000 iterations are run. CAUTION: This setting may crash on your machine. See Future Iterations section for more details
A CSV generated Relationship Matrix. Relationship values range from -50 to 50:
- -50 represents a pair that MUST be seated together.
- 50 represents a pair that MUST NOT be seated together.
Suggested usage for values:
- -50: couples
- -40: best friends
- -30: friends/close family
- -20: family
- -10: aquaintances
- -1: People who know the same people (ex: Guest1 and Guest2 both know the bride but have never met)
- 30: people who do not like each other/will not get along
- 50: exes/must not be together
Example matrix can be found here
- Note that only the "bottom" half of the matrix is populated (the "top" half is greyed out). It is not necessary to duplicate data by filling out both sides. One side is sufficient.
- To save this as a .csv, File > Download > Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Ten seating arrangement options for all guests per table. This will be in "seating_options.txt" in the same directory this program was executed.
- This program assumes (for now) that tables are the same size/hold the same number of people.
- This program does not dictate the seating arrangements within the table (only assigns people to a specific table).
- Add tests!
- Add non-mutable settings. This would make it so that certain pairings (i.e. couples) cannot be separated under any circumstances.
- Feature: Implement multiprocessing for annealing iterations
- Feature: Add option to assign individual seats within table.