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SonarScanner for Gradle Multi-Module Project with Code Coverage

This example project demonstrates how to analyze a multi-module project with Jacoco code coverage built with Gradle.


  • A Gradle wrapper is included that bundles Gradle. All other required plugins will be pulled by Gradle as needed.


Run the following command (update, sonar.login, sonar.password, etc. analysis parameters as needed either at command line or in sonar.gradle):

  • On Unix-like systems:
    ./gradlew clean build codeCoverageReport -Dsonar.login=admin -Dsonar.password=admin sonar
  • On Windows:
    .\gradlew.bat clean build codeCoverageReport -Dsonar.login=admin -Dsonar.password=admin sonar


This example project is based on the original example project from Gradle's sample project for reporting code coverage for Jacoco (Gradle 6.4-rc-1 and Gradle 6.6.1) as well as Andranik Azizbekian's article integrating SonarQube with a Kotlin Android project.

Here are the important changes compared to the original Gradle sample project linked above in order for SonarQube to pick up the code coverage metric:

  • ensure settings.gradle references your modules
  • add reference to the SonarScanner for Gradle to the root build.gradle:
    plugins {
      id "org.sonarqube" version ""
  • add the following to subprojects{} block of root build.gradle:
    apply plugin: "org.sonarqube"
    sonar {
        properties {
            property "sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths", "$projectDir.parentFile.path/build/reports/jacoco/codeCoverageReport/codeCoverageReport.xml"
  • add a new file to root of project called sonar.gradle with the following contents:
    apply plugin: "org.sonarqube"
    sonar {
        properties {
          property 'sonar.projectName', 'gradle-multimodule'
          property "sonar.projectKey", "gradle-multimodule"
          // Add other analysis parameters here if you don't
          // want to add it to the Sonar scanner command line:
          // property "", "yoursonarqubeurl"
          // property "sonar.login", "yourlogintoken"
          // etc.
  • add apply from: "$project.rootDir/sonar.gradle" to root build.gradle

For other forms of Gradle and Maven code coverage, see test coverage in the SonarSource community forum.

Things to Note

  • You may notice this warning about bytecode dependencies:
    Bytecode of dependencies was not provided for analysis of source files, you might end up with less precise results. Bytecode can be provided using property.
    This is primarily due to the lack of dependencies (e.g. empty dependencies {} block) in this example project. Your actual project may include dependencies that can may include vulnerabilities, which will require setting and parameters to scan for them. To avoid this warning and thus avoid needing to configure and manually, ensure that you are using SonarScanner for Gradle instead of SonarScanner. By using SonarScanner for Gradle, the setting of and is done automatically for you. See also Java for more details.