Last updated for brittany version
Brittany would layout the following bindings as displayed here. If you change only the layout of these bindings in some way (e.g. if you initially entered these without any alignment) and pass it through brittany, you would (again) get the below versions.
func (MyLongFoo abc def) = 1
func (Bar a d ) = 2
func _ = 3
go [] "" = True
go [WildCard ] "" = True
go (WildCard :rest) (c:cs) = go rest (c : cs) || go (WildCard : rest) cs
go (Union globs:rest) cs = any (\glob -> go (glob ++ rest) cs) globs
go [] (_:_) = False
go (_:_) "" = False
myBinding =
[ [ [ LeguEosb r1 (n2 - r1) fxvoNz ymuSreje v
, LeguEosb n2 (f3 - n2) oyphEmedn ymuSreje v
, LeguEosb f3 (i4 - f3) fxvoNz ymuSreje v
, LeguEosb i4 (v5 - i4) oieha ymuSreje v
, LeguEosb v5 (j6 - v5) fxvoNz ymuSreje v
| oyphEmedn <- sdliWmguje
, oieha <- ohzvIp
| v5 < j6
, sdliWmguje <- zedoaregeuKilb tua1
, ohzvIp <- zedoaregeuKilb (0 - loy2)
If same number of pattern args, there is sub-alignment. Types are not inspected in any way for this.
transPartDesc = \case
PartLiteral s -> [s]
PartVariable _ -> []
PartOptional x -> transPartDesc x
PartAlts alts -> alts >>= transPartDesc
PartSeq [] -> []
PartSeq (x:_) -> transPartDesc x
PartDefault _ x -> transPartDesc x
PartSuggestion ss x -> ss ++ transPartDesc x
PartRedirect _ x -> transPartDesc x
PartReorder xs -> xs >>= transPartDesc
PartMany x -> transPartDesc x
PartWithHelp _h x -> transPartDesc x
action = do
startA <- transRelPos start
s1 <- get
modify $ \s2 -> s2 { _ts_sequencePos = Nothing
, _ts_curNote = _ts_curNote s1
, _ts_curTrans = _ts_curTrans s1
, _ts_curBar = _ts_curBar s1
, _ts_curBase = _ts_curBase s1
action = do
_ <- string "set"
bindId <- onlySpaces *> ((,) <$> getPosition <*> parserIdent)
marg <- onlySpaces *> optionMaybe (char '(' *> parserParamDef <* char ')')
localId <-
onlySpaces *> (optionMaybe $ string "in" *> onlySpaces *> parserIdent)
_ <- onlySpaces *> string "="
expr <- spaces *> parserExpr
pure $ CompNotParseItemBind bindId marg expr localId
consequently these <-
are not aligned at all:
action = do
normVal :: Float <- expectParamE
=<< expectDynamic (Text.pack "foldInNormalize")
ResponseNode folderC folderN <- uncurry callBExpectS
=<< getKalinAndParams (Text.pack "foldInFolder")
ResponseNode foldeeC foldeeN <- uncurry callBExpectS
=<< getKalinAndParams (Text.pack "foldInFoldee")
pure $ calc normVal folderC folderN foldeeC foldeeN