Download and Install UniFi Controller and MongoDB from tarballs
This simple script
download and deploy Unifi Controller(c) and MongoDB(c)
in a specific path.
- Create the destination path: /opt/UniFi_Controller
- Grant the user will install permissons on /opt/UniFi_Controller
- Run script
- Check the results like this
$ tree -L 3 /opt/UniFi_Controller/
└── UniFi-5.4.19
├── mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.4.6
│ ├── bin
│ ├── GNU-AGPL-3.0
│ ├── MPL-2
│ ├── README
└── UniFi
├── bin
├── conf
├── dl
├── lib
├── webapps
└── readme.txt
9 directories, 5 files
- Just start UniFi Controller
cd /opt/UniFi_Controller/UniFi-5.4.19/UniFi/
java -jar lib/ace.jar start
- It is done!